# Pectra Proactive Grant Round Proposal Template - Following this template is **not a requirement**. - [Read more about the Pectra Proactive Grant Round here](https://notes.ethereum.org/@BOR4/SJlo_gJHyx). - Make sure your proposal aligns with the grant round goals. Check out the wishlist for inspiration: [Pectra Proactive Grant Round Wishlist](https://notes.ethereum.org/@BOR4/HyhTGy48Jl) --- # Project Abstract Summarize the problem in 3-5 sentences. This should clearly define the purpose of the project and its impact. # Project Team List the team members: - Name - Role Include links to profiles or relevant previous projects. # Background Provide context and experience: - Why is the team suited to deliver on this proposal? - Link to prior work, GitHub repositories - Link to current active projects # Related Pectra EIP Which **Pectra EIP** does your proposal relate to? - Briefly describe how the proposal aligns with or builds upon this EIP. - what challenge introduced by the EIP your project addresses # Objectives List the project goals: 1. Goal 1 2. Goal 2 3. Goal 3 # Outcomes Describe the benefits and impact this project will have on the Ethereum ecosystem. - What problems will it solve? - What value will it add? # Grant Scope What is the focus of the research or development? - Define the deliverables and expected outputs. # Methodology If applicable share more information on the methodology - How will you approach the project? - What tools, technologies, or frameworks will you use? # Timeline and Budget Allocation Outline milestones, deliverables, timelines, and the budget allocated for each milestone: | Milestone | Deliverable | Timeline | Budget Allocation ($) | |-----------|-------------------|---------------|-----------------------| | 1 | [Description] | Month X | $XXX | | 2 | [Description] | Month Y | $XXX | | 3 | [Final Delivery] | Month Z | $XXX | **Total Budget**: $YYY --- For any questions, reach out to the **[email protected]** ---