# RollCall #6 Summary ## Details - **Recording**: https://youtu.be/k-7z6lgleLw - **Agenda**: https://github.com/ethereum/pm/issues/1071 ## L1 Blob Basefee spike event on June 20: - Breif overview of the spike and the fixes coming up in the [Pectra upgrade](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-7600) - Discussion about the posibility of have the target blob basefee be something other than the max basefee//2 (as per the discussions in [PeerDAS Breakout Room #3](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ng2IrCe28kTt1BnIsjtMlKHq2MHgaja24LhFXSvqfJQ/edit)) - **Roberto Bayardo** raised the issue that geth doesn't fetch transactions from a peer in the order they were announced. Combined with the blob mempool only allowing consecutive nonces resulted in extreemely long propagation times. [PR to address this in geth here.](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/pull/30125) ## RIP-7728 - L1SLOAD - **Péter Garamvölgyi** gave a presentation on [RIP-7728 - L1SLOAD](https://github.com/ethereum/RIPs/pull/27/files) - Slides: https://bit.ly/l1sload-rollcall-6 - Questions remain around: - What about zk-proving overhead? - Can we expect L2 following nodes to have access to archive nodes? - L1 Follow distance - What L1 follow distance is both safe & useful (left up to implementing L2s to decide) - To what extent other are the various L2s willing to support reorging the L2 state if L1 reorgs if the L1 follow distance is < last finalised epoch ## RIP-7740 - Preinstall deterministic deployment factories - **Richard Meissner** presented his draft RIP to ensure certain contracts get deployed trustlessly & deterministically at the same addresses across all chains - Roberto mentioned that it would have helped them on Base where they had to manually force a contract to be deployed at a certain address to due the account being bumped - Questions remain around how to be maximally inclusive especially for chains with their own deployment mechanisms (eg. ZKsync) ## Other discussion - **Andreas Freund** wanted to draw attention to [the Ethereum OASIS L2 Transaction Status Standardization proposal](https://github.com/ethereum-oasis-op/L2/issues/540) - Andreas also wants to schedule a breakout to discuss the [Ethereum OASIS proposal spec for L2 tx fees](https://github.com/ethereum-oasis-op/L2/pull/53)