# How to setup local, multi-client testnets using Kurtosis
Co-ordinating releases between clients can be hard to orchestrate, especially when testing new features that have no devnet.
Kurtosis is a tool that allows us to create testing environments using just a few commands. We can additionally setup various scenario's and write tests for them using the kurtosis module.
This guide explores the use of kurtosis to help setup a local dev environment.
Link to Kurtosis docs: [here](https://docs.kurtosis.com/)
The doc below has a TLDR section for testing your feature, a verkle section and a mev section. All the steps are exactly the same in every scenario, just the config file changes.
## TLDR:
- 1. Ensure Docker is installed locally
- 2. Dowload kurtosis with the instructions provided [here](https://docs.kurtosis.com/install/#ii-install-the-cli)
- 3. Save the below JSON in a file called `example.json`
"participants": [
"el_client_type": "geth",
"el_client_image": "ethpandaops/geth:dencun-devnet-8-946a2da",
"cl_client_type": "lighthouse",
"cl_client_image": "sigp/lighthouse:deneb-modern",
"count": 3
"network_params": {
"capella_fork_epoch": 2,
"deneb_fork_epoch": 3
"launch_additional_services": false,
"wait_for_finalization": false,
"wait_for_verifications": false,
"global_client_log_level": "info",
"snooper_enabled": true
- 4. Start the module with the following command:
kurtosis run --enclave ethTestnet github.com/kurtosis-tech/ethereum-package "$(cat ./example.json)"
- 5. Testnet will start in the background. You can use the following commands to get more information:
kurtosis enclave inspect ethTestnet
kurtosis service logs ethTestnet <nane> -f
## Config Explanation:
Kurtosis has built a module for the devnets. The module can be seen [here](https://github.com/kurtosis-tech/ethereum-package). It's written in starlark and the core "genesis" tooling is its own package [here](https://github.com/kurtosis-tech/eth-network-package).
The module takes in parameters and starts a testnet accordingly. We can specify the client combinations, number of clients, fork epoch and so on.
Naturally the larger the number of clients, the more CPU/RAM is needed. Most systems should be able to handle a 3-4 node setup locally. For more elaborate setups, please use a cloud instance or get a fast computer to run it.
We will just assume a 3 node setup for this example.
Let node 1 be the EL:CL combination you wish to test(feature branch for example). node 2 and node 3 can be tested, stable clients(lighthouse-geth and nimbus-nethermind for example).
Since our node 1 is used for testing new features or cli flags, we can specify them under `elExtraParams`,`beaconExtraParams` or `validatorExtraParams` as needed.
Kurtosis works on the basis of docker images, so your feature branch would need to have a docker image built.
The below config describes what that looks like in JSON:
"participants": [
"elType": "<your-EL-client>",
"elImage": "<your-EL-docker-image",
"elLogLevel": "<log-level-you-want>",
"elExtraParams": [<EL-extra-params-if-needed>],
"clType": "<your-CL-client>",
"clImage": "<your-CL-docker-image",
"beaconExtraParams": [<beacon-extra-params-if-needed>],
"validatorExtraParams": [<val-extra-params-if-needed>],
"el_client_type": "geth",
"el_client_image": "ethpandaops/geth:dencun-devnet-8-946a2da",
"cl_client_type": "lighthouse",
"cl_client_image": "sigp/lighthouse:deneb-modern"
"el_client_type": "geth",
"el_client_image": "ethpandaops/geth:dencun-devnet-8-946a2da",
"cl_client_type": "lighthouse",
"cl_client_image": "sigp/lighthouse:deneb-modern"
"network": {
"networkId": "3151908",
"depositContractAddress": "0x4242424242424242424242424242424242424242",
"secondsPerSlot": 12,
"slotsPerEpoch": 32,
"capella_fork_epoch": 2,
"deneb_fork_epoch": 5,
"numValidatorKeysPerNode": 64,
"preregisteredValidatorKeysMnemonic": "giant issue aisle success illegal bike spike question tent bar rely arctic volcano long crawl hungry vocal artwork sniff fantasy very lucky have athlete"
"waitForMining": true,
"waitForFinalization": true,
"logLevel": "info"
## Verbose Steps:
1. Dowload kurtosis with the instructions provided [here](https://docs.kurtosis.com/install/#ii-install-the-cli)
2. Ensure `docker` is installed and your user can execute docker commands (i.e, run `docker ps -a`)
3. Copy the JSON file shown above and place it in a file locally accessible, make the required changes to the JSON config. You'd probably want to reduce the number of clients you're running if you're on a laptop.
4. Start the module with the following command:
kurtosis run --enclave ethTestnet github.com/kurtosis-tech/ethereum-package "$(cat ./example.json)"
4. Check the logs for the URL to `forkmon`, alternatively check the module logs
5. You can use the kurtosis module to fetch logs, e.g:
kurtosis enclave inspect ethTestnet
kurtosis service logs ethTestnet <enter-GUID-of-service-from-previous-step>
6. If you need shell access, you can achieve that with:
kurtosis service shell ethTestnet <enter-GUID-of-service-from-previous-step>
7. When done, run `kurtosis enclave rm -f ethTestnet` to delete the testnet
### Verkle config example:
"participants": [
"el_client_type": "geth",
"el_client_image": "ethpandaops/geth:<VERKLE_IMAGE>",
"elExtraParams": ["--override.verkle=<UNIXTIMESTAMP>"],
"cl_client_type": "lighthouse",
"cl_client_image": "sigp/lighthouse:latest"
"el_client_type": "geth",
"el_client_image": "ethpandaops/geth:<VERKLE_IMAGE>",
"elExtraParams": ["--override.verkle=<UNIXTIMESTAMP>"],
"cl_client_type": "lighthouse",
"cl_client_image": "sigp/lighthouse:latest"
"el_client_type": "geth",
"el_client_image": "ethpandaops/geth:<VERKLE_IMAGE>",
"elExtraParams": ["--override.verkle=<UNIXTIMESTAMP>"],
"cl_client_type": "lighthouse",
"cl_client_image": "sigp/lighthouse:latest"
"network_params": {
"capella_fork_epoch": 2,
"deneb_fork_epoch": 5
"launch_additional_services": false,
"wait_for_finalization": false,
"wait_for_verifications": false,
"global_client_log_level": "info"
### mock-mev example
Useful for testing `mev-boost` and the client implimentations without adding the complexity of the relay. This can be enabled by a single config command and would deploy the [mock-builder](https://github.com/marioevz/mock-builder) from Mario instead of the relay infrastructure.
"participants": [
"el_client_type": "geth",
"el_client_image": "ethpandaops/geth:dencun-devnet-8-946a2da",
"cl_client_type": "lighthouse",
"cl_client_image": "sigp/lighthouse:deneb-modern",
"count": 3
"network_params": {
"capella_fork_epoch": 2,
"deneb_fork_epoch": 4
"launch_additional_services": true,
"global_client_log_level": "debug",
"snooper_enabled": true,
"mev_type": "mock"
### Debugging
- To grab the genesis files, you can run:
kurtosis files download <enclave name> <service name> <path to copy to>
e.g. to get the EL genesis data:
kurtosis files download ethTestnet el-genesis-data ~/Downloads