# EPF - Guide for mentors First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to be a mentor for the third EPF cohort. We sincerely appreciate your effort, and we'll do our best to put it to good use. Being mentor does not require a lot of commitment, it should be a smooth experience of helping to onboard new contributors. Here are some details about the program and your mentorship role to get you started. ## Program details Cohort 5 starts in mid June and run for 5 months. At the end, at Devconnect in November, you will also have a chance to attend a physical meetup with most active fellows. The program is opened and permissionless which means anybody can participate. From hundreds of application we receive, we are selecting around 20+ people who will also receive a stipend. All together, we expect around 30 individuals to contribute within the cohort. Participants are completely free to decide what project they want to work on. To nudge them into certain direction, feel free to submit project suggestions for fellows. If there is anything you/your team/your project need help with and you would like to see participants work on, please share it in the mentors [form](https://forms.gle/RJbfNz1UxRchiVZn9). Project proposals by mentors can be also updated in this [document](https://github.com/eth-protocol-fellows/cohort-three/blob/master/projects/project-ideas.md). Participants may select a some of these or draw inspiration from them to develop their own ideas. In order to better understand the subject, fellows may contact you during first few weeks to learn more about the proposed project as they have create a specification. Most of the program is dedicated to work on projects, the actual development phase. You should be available to provide feedback or PR reviews for fellows working on your project. The main program coordination is happening via [this GitHub repo](https://github.com/eth-protocol-fellows/cohort-four), your github account was invited as a member with write access. This is the place where you can track the activity of participants by following their development updates. For weekly updates, you can also check threads in #protocol-fellowship channel in R&D Discord server. ## Interacting with fellows  Fellows should feel free to reach out to mentors in case they need guidance for their project. However, they are advised that your time is limited and we discourage them from spamming you with unnecessary questions. They should only reach out with well informed questions, feedback for commits, etc. Please report to us any misuse of private chat. The main communication channel is #protocol-fellowship in R&D Discord. This is where fellows can reach out with general questions or tag you if the question is targeting your area of expertise. Participants are required to post their weekly updates to the cohort repo but they should also link them in the Discord channel with a short comment, summary of current issues. If you don't see any activity in PRs or don't get contacted, you can use the weekly thread in #protocol-fellowship to learn about current progress of the fellow. It's completely up to you how much time you are willing to dedicate, it's recommended to sync with the fellow at least once in few weeks. ### Calls There will be two regular weekly calls throughout the program - standup calls for weekly updates and Office Hours for specific topics. Both are dedicated mostly to fellows but you are free to attend. We would like to invite you especially to Office Hours call which we can dedicate to AMA with you. If you are opened to do Ask Me Anything session about your work/project/team/core dev experience, please let us know. It's again a great opportunity to direct people towards contributing to your projects. This call is happening on Tuesday at 3PM UTC but can be rescheduled to your needs. ## Contacts Cohort is organized by EF Protocol Support team. Please, feel free to reach out to: [email protected] Telegram: @havelm Discord: Mario Havel#9726 [email protected] Telegram: @joshdavislight Discord: JoshD#4078 Join Telegram group for coordination between mentors and cohort organizers: https://t.me/+S3Lra27kbMo4NTUx