Ephemery testnet has been running since December 2022 and providing Ethereum developers, users and validators with the easiest environment for testing. The Ephemery infrastructure has been steadily improving and growing over time. There are more genesis validators, block explorers, faucets, client implementations, auto deployers, deposit tooling and more. To learn more about Ephemery and its usage, checkout the repository with all resources To improve the Ephemery ecosystem even further, we are announcing the incentive program for providing infrastracture for the testnet. The goal of Ephemery is to become a sustainable testing enviroment which doesn't have to be deprecated in the future. Thanks to a generous donation and support from EthStaker, we can decentralize our network services, making Ephemery more resilient and usable. EthStaker is dedicating 12000 USD a year to support our testnet efforts. We are incredibly thankful for their dedication to Ephemery and the Ethereum testnet ecosystem. All donations to Ephemery will be vested and divided between infrastracture providers and contributors.
12/2/2024I am currently syncing an Eth node on an old PlayStation 4 machine and since it was quite a journey, I am here to share details in the hope someone might replicate this effort one day. Everything started with a casual discussion about gaming with my peers. I am not much of a gamer, and recently I've only been playing some indie games from itch on my GNU/Linux laptop. There are some interesting big-name titles I'd like to try, but I lack the hardware to run them, and generally, I just don't like that games require a proprietary/DRM environment. Consoles seem like the cheapest option optimized for games but growing up I never owned one and I still cannot imagine owning hardware locked by the manufacturer for a single purpose. On the other hand, I know people have been hacking them for years, legends like geohot! Researching this, I fell down the PlayStation jailbreaking rabbit hole, and boy, it's quite huge. I believe PS4 is generally a great piece of hardware which still continues to please gamers, developers and hackers after many years. Hacking PS4 Older PS4 firmwares include vulnerabilities allowing us to take over the control. This enables you to tweak many things, pirate games and even run your own kernel on the machine! Clearly, this is the best and most fun thing to do with your PS(if you are into voiding warranties and bending rules :)). The only thing you need is a PS4 with old enough software and if you own one, the best advice is to NEVER UPDATE YOUR PLAYSTATION. An older or exploited firmware will block you from playing games online, using the PS Store, etc but I am not interested in that anyway, I want to run my Ethereum node. So here is what it takes:
9/14/2024Page to summarize archive nodes setups, recommended practices and potential issues. Feel free to add info about your setup below. Prague setup Hardware Machine Dell PowerEdge R320
4/19/2024First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to participate in the first round of Ethereum Protocol Fellowship Study Group (or EPFsg). We sincerely appreciate your effort, and we'll do our best to put it to good use. After our experience with EPF, we are creating a study group program to help people dive into Ethereum R&D and later make EPF onboarding easier. Learn more about it in the announcement blog. Here are some details about the program and your role to get you started. Program details EPS is a 10 week educational program and will run from February 19 till April 24. Each week has 1-2 live webinars with a speaker from core development/research. We kindly ask you to make a presentation for one of these weeks. Our goal is to educate about the core protocol and create more resources for aspiring core developers. The program is opened and permissionless which means anybody can participate. Feel free to share it with people interested in learning about the protocol.