by Caspar and Ansgar In this document we argue for a change of the issuance curve in the upcoming network upgrade Electra. For a more detailed account of the current issuance policy, its drawbacks as we see them, and an endgame vision for staking economics, read our writing on stake participation targeting. Many thanks to Anders, Barnabé, Francesco, Mike, and Dom for feedback and discussion. Reviews $\neq$ endorsements. This post expresses opinions of the authors, which may not be shared by reviewers.
2/22/2024by Caspar and Ansgar. This post explores the status quo of staking economics, its drawbacks as we see them and what the endgame of staking economics could look like. Read about our separate proposal for an immediate issuance policy update in Electra here. Many thanks to Anders, Barnabé, Francesco, Julian, Dankrad, Thomas, Vitalik, Mike, Justin, Jon, Nixo, and Sam for feedback and discussions. Reviews $\neq$ endorsements. This post expresses opinions of the authors, which may not be shared by reviewers.
2/21/2024Background info A slot is 12 seconds long. The proposer is supposed to release their block at the beginning of it. The spec forsees the following schedule within a slot for an honest validator that is selected to attest: A validator should create and broadcast the attestation to the associated attestation subnet when either (a) the validator has received a valid block from the expected block proposer for the assigned slot or (b) 1 / 3 of the slot has transpired (4s into the slot) -- whichever comes first. Further, If the validator is selected to aggregate, then they broadcast their best aggregate as a SignedAggregateAndProof to the global aggregate channel 2 / 3 of the way through the slot-that is, 8 seconds after the start of slot.
9/19/2022Thank you so much for supporting ETHBerlin³ as a mentor! tl;dr Join matrix chats and keep an eye out for messages. No fixed schedule, so please be on-site as much as possible to mentor hackers. Hacking takes place non-stop Friday 7pm - Sunday 11am. Make sure to use the mentor helpdesk tool and always sign in/out as you enter/leave hackathon venue: While on-site: roam around wearing your mentor t-shirt, help hackers on-demand, check the mentor helpdesk tool and chats, and have fun! When