Attack Nets

[Work in Progress]

select #2



For the Attack Nets, we propose that client teams and EF run the majority of nodes/validators to provide a stable testground for attackers. This is in contrast to the multi-client testnet which has the goal of being controlled largely by the community.

Net is launched with 100% client team/EF control, and then publicized to the community. Attackers are bound in the number of validators they can use in their attack to prevent sybil-like disruptions of the net.

We will monitor the testnet and nodes to the best of our abilities, but providing proof of attack is the burden of the attacker.


In todays world, we have the benefit of a rich user base that will be engaged in our primary testnets regardless of incentivization. That is, users will show up to test out client software, become familiar with their responsibilities, build additional tools, provide feedback to clients, and more without additional incentives. Instead we move the incentivized component out of the primary testnets and into an attack-focused zone.

By providing a stable base to attack, Attack Nets have a single and pure purpose and do not become muddied with the goals of the multi-client testnet (i.e. seek stability, provide mainnet-like experience for testing software, observe and document range of normal behaviours). The (what we expect to be) small subset of users that want to try out attacks can focus their energies on the Attack Nets while most of the users will just stay on the main multi-client testnet.

Keeping the multi-client testnet up and healthy with community members making up a large portion of the nodes/validators will already likely be a time consuming task so keeping Attack Nets simple and stable (except when purposefully attacked) will reduce the amount of client resources applied to the effort.


Need to think about more about the actual values here and about the distribution of how many vals per node.

Note: All clients must tag their client and version in american graffiti.

Types of attacks

Sample, not exhaustive.

TODO: discuss how to structure magnitude of payouts for successful attacks


Starters wuit

These are tasks that are not too far out of reach, but help you get familiar for a real attack

Bonus points / extras