⚠️The bug bounty program is no longer "pre-launch" and instead has a permanent home and stable set of rules. Check it out here!⚠️ We are excited to kick off the Eth2 Phase 0 Pre-Launch Bounty Program. This program is designed to incentivize you to find and report bugs in the core Eth2 Phase 0 specs prior to mainnet launch 🐛. The Ethereum Foundation will run this program from now until just prior to the Phase 0 mainnet launch. After Phase 0 is in production, we will transition Phase 0 bounties to the standard Ethereum Bounty Program. Note: As of 2020/5/6 all rewards have been doubled for a maximum reward of $20k for critical bugs :) Note: As of 2020/6/22, the Solidity eth2 deposit contract and formal verification have been added to the scope of the bounty program
10/15/2021Introduction The Ethereum Foundation (EF) and True Names LTD (ENS) would like to announce a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the creation of a Sign-In with Ethereum specification, a package using Oauth for easy implementation by web2 services, and a Javascript library for the user-facing part of sign-in. [toc] Scope Survey current practices: Examine existing uses of Sign-In with Ethereum, look at the code, and talk to the developers. Determine what developers are doing and why, how it could be improved, and what best practices have already emerged. Specification: Write a specification for how Sign-In with Ethereum should work, both with and without Oauth. Include best practices and recommended graphics. The specification should be simple and generally follow existing practices. Avoid feature bloat, particularly the inclusion of lesser-used projects who see getting into the specification as a means of gaining adoption. The core specification should be decentralized, open, non-proprietary, and have long-term viability. It should have no dependence on a centralized server except for the servers already being run by the application that the user is signing in to. The basic specification should include: Ethereum accounts used for authentication, ENS names for usernames (via reverse resolution), and data from the ENS name's text records for additional profile information (e.g. avatar, social media handles, etc).
7/12/2021Warning: This a work in progress document with many broken links, some unfinished sections, and commands for including code segments. The entirety of the document is subject to change without warning. Introduction This document is an aid to the specification of the state transition function and accompanying data structures for Phase 0 - The Beacon Chain -- the core system level chain at the heart of Ethereum 2.0. The primary Phase 0 specification is particularly terse, only defining much of the functionality via python code and comments. This document aims to provide a more verbose version of the specification, primarily aimed at helping onboard new contributors to Ethereum 2.0. Table of contents [toc]