# Grant Tooling Round Wishlist - Tools for evaluating the relative strength of applicants - Open Source Observer, Gitroll, Trustful, CHAOSS Metrics Models (Augur, GrimoireLab), GrantsScope - Tools that evaluate the upstream dependencies for OSS software projects - Openqlabs, Opensaucedpizza, ecosyste.ms - Tools for Grant Accountibility - Karma GAP, Authbond, Welcome Onchain, OSO - Grant CRM tools - Charmverse, Facedancer, - Novel allocation mechanisms - Grant ships, Quadratic Streaming, Hypercerts, LottoPGF, Outbuild (”Survivor for grants”) - Grantee support (BD, Legal, incubators, accelerators, etc) - Pollenlabs, Lexdao, gov4git, Open Collective - Disbursement Mechanisms