# verkle-gen-devnet-2 :::info :mega: verkle-gen in the devnet name means that the genesis state is a verkle state. There is no fork transition. ::: :::info :mega: In order to be able to sync up this network, you have to make sure that the **dencun** related code is **not** being triggered, as the current version of verkle is built on top of **shapella**. ::: :::info :mega: Verkle-genesis-Devnet-2 launched on 24th Nov 2023. This devnet shut down on the 2nd of Feb 2024. ::: :::info :mega: The legacy name of kaustinen-testnet has been dropped in favor of `verkle-devnet-x` and `verkle-gen-devnet-x`. `verkle-gen-devnet-x` begins at a verkle-genesis state. `verkle-devnet-x` begins at a shapella-genesis state, and goes through the fork transition. ::: ## EIP List for Verkle (EL) [EIP-4762: Statelessness gas cost changes](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-4762) - :heavy_check_mark: Active [EIP-6800: Ethereum state using a unified verkle tree](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-6800) - :heavy_check_mark: Active [EIP-7545: Verkle proof verification precompile](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-7545) - :exclamation: Not yet active on this devnet ## EIP List for Verkle (CL) [PR-3230: TheVerge: spec draft](https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/pull/3230) :exclamation: Draft ## [Docker images](https://github.com/ethpandaops/verkle-devnets/blob/master/ansible/inventories/gen-devnet-2/group_vars/all/images.yaml) for devnet 2 ### Spec changes for verkle-gen-devnet-2 **Consensus Spec** - No additional change compared to kaustinen-testnet **Execution EIPs** - No additional change compared to kaustinen-testnet **Engine API** - No additional change compared to kaustinen-testnet **Beacon API** - No additional change compared to kaustinen-testnet **Builder Spec** - No additional change compared to kaustinen-testnet