# notes.ethereum.org FAQs To ensure that you understand the notes setting, please read through this document. 🙏 [TOC] ## What is notes.ethereum.org? The notes.ethereum.org ("NEO" in the following) is the [HackMD Enterprise Edition (EE)](https://hackmd.io/@hackmd/BJCqhRWaW?type=view) for the Ethereum Foundation. The basic functionalities are as same as the free HackMD.io, except for: 1. Some EF Devops team and Research team members have the `Superuser` permission. - Superuser has "Advanced Permission Controls" that can: - access *all users' profiles* via the dashboard - access *all notes* via the dashboard 2. HackMD.io team maintains the AWS server of NEO, and the notes are backed up at different locations by the AWS. 3. The images are uploaded to private hostings. (In free Hackmd.io, images are uploaded to imgur) 4. Other features for the paid users. :::warning That is, NEO is a productive solution for EF team collaboration, but it certainly doesn't have "web3"-ish operation/hosting. ::: :::warning ⚠️ It may not be a good idea to put confidential content to NEO or HackMD.io. ::: ## Who can have a notes.ethereum.org account? The EF pays the HackMD team based on the account count; therefore, now we only allow EFers to sign up. Currently, the new users need to have one of these: 1. Sign in via SAML with **@ethereum.org mail** 2. Sign in via GitHub OAuth with an account that has **[Ethereum GitHub organization](https://github.com/orgs/ethereum/people) membership** 3. On the **whitelist** that the HackMD team maintains :::warning Since NEO once open for external users and will still open for EF alumnus, setting permission to **"only signed-in users can read" does NOT mean "only EFers can read"**! ::: ## About access permissions - Please check "[Invite Others to a Private Note](https://hackmd.io/c/tutorials/%2Fs%2Finvite)" - Invited users could have different permissions as needed: - **Read**: Invited users can only read the note. - **Write**: Invited users can read and write. - **Admin**: Invited users can read, write, manage other users, and assign note Host. ## About public notes - Please check "[How to Publish a Note with Permalink](https://hackmd.io/c/tutorials/%2Fs%2Fhow-to-publish-note)" - Your published notes will be on your profile page publicly. Anyone on the web can search and read this note. - e.g., https://notes.ethereum.org/@vbuterin :::info NEO is going to have a "Discovery Page" function so that the user can explore *all* the published posts. ::: :::danger ⚠️ Please check if you have accidentally published some private notes! ::: ## How to use and configure the "team" feature? - The "team" feature allows you to set access permission per team. - Please check "[What is Team?](https://hackmd.io/c/tutorials/%2F%40docs%2Fwhat-is-team)". - In NEO, you can create private teams with unlimited members. ✨ ## How to use it? - [HackMD Tutorial Book](https://hackmd.io/c/tutorials/%2Fs%2Ftutorials) may have the tutorial you need! (And many cool tips!) ## Other questions? You can reach out: - Open devops issue: https://github.com/ethereum/devops/issues - DM Hsiao-Wei Wang (<[email protected]>) or HackMD team (<[email protected]>)