# Cool "A-" star names 🌞 :::success ### ETH2 Protocol upgrade poll: https://poap.vote/poll/46 ::: The following options are from [Edson's original proposal](https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-pm/issues/202#issuecomment-775789449). ## Altair Resource: - https://pepnewz.com/2018/09/22/some-coolest-star-names-that-are-famous-in-our-galaxy/ - https://osr.org/blog/astronomy/altair/ ![](https://osr.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/altair-star.jpg) This star is also named as **Alpha Aquilae** and is the twelfth brightest star in the night sky. Its distance from the earth is around 16.7 light-years and that is why considered as one of the closest stars that are visible to naked eye. It is the brightest star in its **Aquilla constellation**. It forms one of the vertices of **Summer Triangle along with Deneb and Vega**. The velocity at which it rotates makes it little flattened at the poles. Altair rotates at around 286km/s and that is why it is not considered at spherical. Name of this star is derived from the Arabic phrase al-nesr al-ṭā’ir which means **“the flying eagle”**. ## Antares Resource: - https://www.universetoday.com/45775/famous-stars/ - https://www.universetoday.com/146643/antares-is-a-supergiant-star-that-would-fill-the-solar-system-beyond-mars-but-its-atmosphere-is-12-times-bigger-than-that/ - https://earthsky.org/brightest-stars/antares-rivals-mars-as-the-scorpions-heart ![](https://earthsky.org/upl/2016/07/Antares-AstroPixels-Fred-Espenak-2-e1467228071849.jpg) Also known as **Alpha Scorpii**, Antares is a red supergiant and one of the largest and most luminous observable stars in the nighttime sky. It’s name – which is Greek for **“rival to Mars” (aka. Ares)** – refers to its reddish appearance, which resembles Mars in some respects. It’s location is also close to the ecliptic, the imaginary band in the sky where the planets, Moon and Sun move. This supergiant is estimated to be 17 times more massive, 850 times larger in terms of diameter, and 10,000 times more luminous than our Sun. Hence why it can be seen with the naked eye, despite being approximately 550 light-years from Earth. The most recent estimates place its age at 12 million years. Antares is the seventeenth brightest star that can be seen with the naked eye and the brightest star in the constellation **Scorpius**. Along with Aldebaran, Regulus, and Fomalhaut, Antares comprises the group known as the ‘Royal stars of Persia’ – four stars that the ancient Persians (circa. 3000 BCE) believed guarded the four districts of the heavens. :::warning Side note (Discord user 0x64#8002 reminded): Northrop Grumman launch vehicle "Antares" failed during its fifth launch. ::: ## Arcturus Resource: - https://pepnewz.com/2018/09/22/some-coolest-star-names-that-are-famous-in-our-galaxy/ - https://osr.org/blog/astronomy/arcturus/ ![](https://osr.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/arcturus-star.jpg) The fourth brightest star in the night sky and brightest star of **Bootes Constellation**, Arcturus is also known as Alpha Boötis written as α Boötis and abbreviated as Alpha Boo, α Boo. This red giant is 36.7 light-years from the Sun but is 170 times more luminous than Sun. It derives its name from Greek word Ἀρκτοῦρος (Arktouros) which means “**Guardian of the Bear**”. Arcturus is derived from the ancient Greek language meaning "**guardian of the bear**", because of its proximity to Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Romans spoke of Arcturus as the narrator of the prologue, Rudens. Arab culture refers to this star as Al Simak al Ramih meaning "Leg of the Lance-bearer", and in Chinese this star is called Ta-Kio or "**the Great Horn**".