# How To: Checkpoint Sync
This guide covers the additional steps required to checkpoint sync a beacon node from another beacon node that you trust.
This guide _does not_ cover setting up an entire node from scratch.
:warning: You should always verify that your beacon node is synced correctly after doing a checkpoint sync.
Check [Step 4](#Step-4) for instructions
More reading on checkpoint sync:
- https://www.symphonious.net/2022/05/21/checkpoint-sync-safety/
- https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/consensus-mechanisms/pos/weak-subjectivity/
- https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/11/25/proof-stake-learned-love-weak-subjectivity/
- https://notes.ethereum.org/@djrtwo/ws-sync-in-practice
## EF DevOps Endpoints
The EF DevOps team runs a handful of endpoints to help with syncing a testnet node.
`Goerli/Prater`: https://goerli.checkpoint-sync.ethpandaops.io
`Sepolia`: https://sepolia.checkpoint-sync.ethpandaops.io
## Tutorial
### Step 1
Note down the beacon endpoint you're planning to checkpoint sync from. This can be another beacon node you run, a beacon node that a friend runs, one of the endpoints above, or any beacon node you trust.
> Note: The source beacon node *must* be for the same Ethereum network as your beacon node.
For this tutorial we will use the EF DevOps Goerli endpoint (https://goerli.checkpoint-sync.ethpandaops.io)
### Step 2
Add the checkpoint sync argument to your client. The flag is different between clients.
#### Prysm
#### Lighthouse
#### Teku
#### Lodestar
#### Nimbus
Requires the `trustedNodeSync` command to be run before the beacon is launched. Read more here: https://nimbus.guide/trusted-node-sync.html
### Step 3
Start your client. Once started, check your logs for details surrounding the checkpoint process.
> Note: You must be starting your client with a fresh data directory/database
#### Prysm
level=info msg="requesting https://goerli.checkpoint-sync.ethpandaops.io/eth/v2/debug/beacon/states/genesis"
level=info msg="requesting https://goerli.checkpoint-sync.ethpandaops.io/eth/v2/debug/beacon/states/finalized"
#### Lighthouse
INFO Starting checkpoint sync remote_url: https://goerli.checkpoint-sync.ethpandaops.io, service: beacon
INFO Loaded checkpoint block and state state_root: 0xb6e8c25393411f252775f82b4907298572003ac37acf9422dd2500b5c368a08d, block_root: 0xefe19ea0d99bf45d50d4302f6bbc3feb2c1ec46f8d6e112594ec86b9581596ae, slot: 3480832, service: beacon
#### Teku
INFO - Loading initial state from https://goerli.checkpoint-sync.ethpandaops.io/eth/v2/debug/beacon/states/finalized
INFO - Loaded initial state at epoch 11348 (state root = 0x08dab651bd667b166a0c99b7a21ee455f4f9fadfce0e37dbcee490f5ec841477, block root = 0xa5bd8b3eaadd81f892f120219f3bcee6565a37d045bf0cee4c4023a51def430c, block slot = 363136). Please ensure that the supplied initial state corresponds to the latest finalized block as of the start of epoch 11348 (slot 363136).
#### Lodestar
info: Fetching weak subjectivity state weakSubjectivityServerUrl=https://goerli.checkpoint-sync.ethpandaops.io
info: Download completed
#### Nimbus
Starting trusted node sync databaseDir=/data/consensus/db restUrl=https://goerli.checkpoint-sync.ethpandaops.io blockId=finalized backfill=false reindex=false
Downloading checkpoint block restUrl=https://goerli.checkpoint-sync.ethpandaops.io blockId=finalized
Downloading checkpoint state restUrl=https://goerli.checkpoint-sync.ethpandaops.io checkpointSlot=370528
Writing checkpoint state
Writing checkpoint block
Database initialized, historical blocks will be backfilled when starting the node
### Step 4
Validate that your node is on the expected chain. To do this we'll check the state root of the finalized checkpoint against another source. For this guide we'll use `prater.beaconcha.in` (the beaconcha.in instance for Goerli) but any source that you trust is fine.
You will need to know the IP & Port of your beacon node.
Default ports:
> Lighthouse: 5052
Nimbus: 5052
Teku: 5051
Prysm: 3500
Lodestar: 9596
#### 1. Obtaining finalized checkpoint & state root
##### Option A
1. Open `http://YOUR_NODE_IP:YOUR_NODE_PORT/eth/v1/beacon/headers/finalized` in your browser.
2. Find the `slot` number.
3. Find the `state_root` value.
##### Option B
1. Install `curl` and `jq`.
2. In a new terminal window run:
curl -s http://YOUR_NODE_IP:YOUR_NODE_PORT/eth/v1/beacon/headers/finalized | jq .'data.header.message'
3. Find the `slot` and `state_root` values.
#### 2. Validate against a known source
- In a new tab/window, open https://prater.beaconcha.in/block/SLOT, replacing `SLOT` with the number from step 1.
- Check that the `State Root` for the slot matches the value you found in step 1.
If it's a match, congratulations :tada:. If it's not a match you should start from scratch by wiping your beacon node and starting from the top.