In this document I will include all the methods to make full withdrawals with the different clients and also show some examples about how to do a BLS to Execution change with ethdo tool. General assumptions Instead of using a long public key in all the queries, I just refer to it as $validator. export validator="0xb37101f32ee0d54ca6958764d21bd416b397c0a199d5ff447b8cd41bba89d78da9d12622134cc8a3cafe30daad85cd46" We assume for full withdrawal the withdrawal credential of type 0x01. If you have an address that is 0x00, then proceed to the bottom of the doc where it discusses how to convert a BLS (0x00) address into an execution address (0x01) All of our beacon nodes use port 4000 for API communication.
2/5/2024Who is this guide for? This guide is meant to be a starting point and provides a mid-level summary of the required steps. It is not intended to be a beginner's guide, so copying and running commands from here may not work without some tweaking. The testnet is meant to mimic a chain that is post-merge. Therefore, the genesis state will be in a merged state. The chain will have to go through a the shapella fork at epoch 256. The JSON-RPC endpoint, faucet, and other tooling URLs can be found on Which version/branch do I use? Consensus layer
9/28/2023Who is this guide for? If you run Ethereum validators, you can start testing withdrawals and preparing for withdrawals to go live on mainnet. Look out for Goerli and Sepolia, as these will fork before the mainnet. Before that, there will be devnets and mainnet shadowforks. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CHANGE YOUR BLS KEYS ON MAINNET until the client software is ready to accept your BLS key changes. Each client team will announce once they are ready. We will provide a testnet environment where the BLS change can be tested out without any risk! [toc]
7/26/2023Who is this guide for? This guide is meant to be a starting point and provides a mid-level summary of the required steps. It is not intended to be a beginner's guide, so copying and running commands from here may not work without some tweaking. The testnet is meant to mimic a chain that is post-merge. Therefore, the genesis state will be in a merged state. The chain will have to go through a fork on both EL and CL at the same time. This fork is called Shanghai on the EL side and Capella on the CL side. These two events will be triggered simultaneously. This is achieved by EL forking at a specific time rather than at a block number, and CL forking at a specific epoch. What is in the Zhejiang testnet? The Zhejiang testnet aims to test the following features: