tags: consensus
# Evolution of the Ethereum Proof-of-Stake Consensus Protocol - Part I
###### [Luca Zanolini](https://twitter.com/luca_zanolini)
In this document we present the evolution of the proof-of-stake consensus protocol of Ethereum, called **Gasper**, aiming at a self-contained reference for future study and research.
::: spoiler
::: info
We include in *spoiler boxes* of this kind the implementation of the most relevant theoretical parts. Observe that the code showed for the implementation follows the consensus pyspec [https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs], and is presented using Simple Serialize (SSZ), a serialization and merkleization standard created specifically for Ethereum consensus. This specification serves as a reference for consensus layer devs and is also used for creating the test case vectors for client teams. A tutorial on how to run the Ethereum consensus pyspec can be found [here](https://archive.devcon.org/archive/watch/6/how-to-use-executable-consensus-pyspec/?tab=YouTube), and an updated annotated specification can be found [here](https://eth2book.info/bellatrix/part3/).
#### Disclaimer
Since this document only aims at grouping together all the most relevant resources concerning the proof-of-stake consensus protocol of Ethereum, some parts are just imported as they are in the original source. If this is the case, the text will be in *italic type* and the original reference is given.
#### Acknowledgments
Special thanks to Ittai Abraham, Aditya Asgaonkar, Christian Cachin, Francesco D'Amato, Tyler Holmes, Joachim Neu, and anonymous reviewers for feedback and helpful discussions.
The proof-of-stake consensus protocol of Ethereum evolved during the years. This is because attacks were found that undermined its properties and functioning. As a response to that, solutions were developed to cope with the problems.
In order to better understand the reasons behind the current protocol and the proposed solutions, we start by presenting the original protocol, [Gasper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.03052.pdf), by Buterin *et al.* In particular, in this first part, we highlight its underlying components and we formally present its properties. A discussion on the attacks and solutions to them can be found [here](https://notes.ethereum.org/dWgSae0CS0qI11XVeuypNA).
First, let us introduce the system model that will be used from now on.
### System Model
#### Validators
We consider a system of $n$ *validators* $\mathcal{V} = \{v_1, \dots, v_n\}$ that communicate with each other through exchanging messages. Each message may have one or more *dependencies*, where each dependency is another message. At any time, a validator *accepts a message* if and only if all of its dependencies are accepted, defined recursively. We maintain a generic understanding of the term "message" at this point. A detailed characterization of these messages will be provided later. Every validator is identified by a unique cryptographic identity and the public keys are common knowledge.
class Validator(Container):
pubkey: BLSPubkey
withdrawal_credentials: Bytes32 # Commitment to pubkey for withdrawals
effective_balance: Gwei # Balance at stake
slashed: boolean
# Status epochs
activation_eligibility_epoch: Epoch # When criteria for activation were met
activation_epoch: Epoch
exit_epoch: Epoch
withdrawable_epoch: Epoch # When validator can withdraw funds
This object contains all the information relating to a particular validator $v_i \in \mathcal{V}$. In particular:
`pubkey`: public key for signing;
`withdrawal_credentials`: a hash of the pubkey that will be used to withdraw;
`effective_balance`: the balance of the validator that is used for all calculations;
`slashed`: it says if the validator has been *slashed* (this term will be introduced few sections below);
`activation_eligibility_epoch`: when the validator became eligible for activation, i.e., when it became eligible to become an active validator;
`activation_epoch`: when the validator was activated;
`exit_epoch`: when the validator exited from $\mathcal{V}$, voluntarily or not;
`withdrawable_epoch`: when the validator became eligible to withdraw their balance;
The precise epochs are kept around in order to calculate the current active validator set and the historical active validator set.
Observe that validators have two private/public key pairs: `pubkey`, used for signing protocol messages, and a separate *withdrawal key*. `withdrawal_credentials` is obtained from the validator's withdrawal key and it allows a validator to prove it owns the funds enabling it to withdraw them.
Validators are assigned a protocol to follow.
A protocol for $\mathcal{V}$ consists of a collection of programs with instructions for all validators.
Each validator has a deposit (or *stake*); when a validator joins $\mathcal{V}$, its deposit is the number of deposited coins, i.e., ETH. After joining, each validator’s balance rises and falls with rewards and penalties.
class DepositMessage(Container):
pubkey: BLSPubkey
withdrawal_credentials: Bytes32
amount: Gwei
class DepositData(Container):
pubkey: BLSPubkey
withdrawal_credentials: Bytes32
amount: Gwei
signature: BLSSignature # Signing over DepositMessage
Observe that, as a rule, there can only be one validator $v_i$ for each `pubkey`; if `pubkey` is already present in the list of validators, then `amount` is added to $v_i$'s balance. Otherwise, a new entry $v_i$ is appended to the list and credited with amount.
Requiring the `withdrawal_credentials` and the `amount` to be signed by the public key prevents some vectors of attack. This is why we have `DepositData(Container)`, i.e., a signed `DepositMessage(Container)`.
A proof that a validator deposited is given by the following object.
class Deposit(Container):
proof: Vector[Bytes32, DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_TREE_DEPTH + 1] # Merkle path to deposit root
data: DepositData
Every validator has an `effective_balance` (of at most 32 ETH), and its voting power is weighted by it. Any balance above this is ignored.
However, validator balances are stored, for efficiency reasons, in *two* places: (i) in the `effective_balance` in the `Validator` record and (ii) in the (exact) `balances` in a separate record (in `BeaconState`, see few sections below).
*The exact balances change every epoch (due to rewards and penalties), so we store them in a compact array that requires rehashing only <32 MB to update, while the effective balances (which are used for all other computations that require validator balances) are updated using a hysteresis formula: if the effective balance is $n$ ETH, and if the exact balance goes below $n-0.25$ ETH, then the effective balance is set to $n-1$ ETH, and if the exact balance goes above $n+1.25$ ETH the effective balance is set to $n+1$ ETH.*
*Since the exact balance must change by at least a full $0.5$ ETH to trigger an effective balance update, this ensures an attacker can't make effective balances update every epoch -- and thus cause processing the chain to become very slow -- by repeatedly nudging the exact balances above, and then below, some threshold.* [https://github.com/ethereum/annotated-spec/blob/master/phase0/beacon-chain.md]
This effective balances are update according to the following function.
def process_effective_balance_updates(state: BeaconState) -> None:
# Update effective balances with hysteresis
for index, validator in enumerate(state.validators):
balance = state.balances[index]
if (
balance + DOWNWARD_THRESHOLD < validator.effective_balance
or validator.effective_balance + UPWARD_THRESHOLD < balance
validator.effective_balance = min(balance - balance % EFFECTIVE_BALANCE_INCREMENT, MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE)
Finally, deposits are processed through the following function.
def process_deposit(state: BeaconState, deposit: Deposit) -> None:
# Verify the Merkle branch
assert is_valid_merkle_branch(
depth=DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_TREE_DEPTH + 1, # Add 1 for the List length mix-in
# Deposits must be processed in order
state.eth1_deposit_index += 1
pubkey = deposit.data.pubkey
amount = deposit.data.amount
validator_pubkeys = [validator.pubkey for validator in state.validators]
if pubkey not in validator_pubkeys:
# Verify the deposit signature (proof of possession) which is not checked by the deposit contract
deposit_message = DepositMessage(
domain = compute_domain(DOMAIN_DEPOSIT) # Fork-agnostic domain since deposits are valid across forks
signing_root = compute_signing_root(deposit_message, domain)
# Initialize validator if the deposit signature is valid
if bls.Verify(pubkey, signing_root, deposit.data.signature):
state.validators.append(get_validator_from_deposit(state, deposit))
# Increase balance by deposit amount
index = ValidatorIndex(validator_pubkeys.index(pubkey))
increase_balance(state, index, amount)
`BeaconState` will be preseted few sections below.
#### Failures
A validator that follows its protocol during an execution is called *honest*. On the other hand, a faulty validator may crash or even deviate arbitrarily from its specification, e.g., when corrupted by an adversary; such validators are also called *Byzantine*. In particular, Byzantine processes can *equivocate*, i.e., they can send conflicting messages. We consider Byzantine faults here and assume the existence of a probabilistic poly-time adversary $\mathcal{A}$ that can choose up to $f$ validators to corrupt. The adversary $\mathcal{A}$ knows the internal state of corrupted validators. Finally, we assume that the majority of the validators is honest.
#### Links
We assume that a best-effort gossip primitive that will reach all validators is available. Moreover, we assume that messages from honest validator to honest validator are eventually received and cannot be forged. This includes messages sent by Byzantine validators, once they have been received by some honest validator $v_i$ and gossiped around by $v_i$.
#### Time and sleepiness
Time is divided into discrete *rounds* and the validators have synchronized clocks. We define the notion of *slot* as a collection of $k$ rounds, for a constant $k$. We are interested in the case $k=3\Delta$, so our presentation will assume this length for slots, unless otherwise specified. However, different values of $k$ can be considered. A collection of $C$ slots forms an *epoch*. The genesis block $B_{\text{genesis}}$, i.e., the first block in the blockchain, has slot number $0$ and is the first block of epoch $0$. Generally, blocks belonging to epoch $j$ have slot numbers $jC + k$ as $k$ runs through $\{0, 1, \ldots , C − 1\}$. The adversary $\mathcal{A}$ can decide for each round which honest validator is *awake* or *asleep* at that round. Asleep validators do not execute the protocol and messages for that round are queued and delivered in the first round in which the validator is awake again. [https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/918.pdf]
During each epoch, the set of validators is partitioned in (disjoint) *committees*, one committee per slot. More details about committees can be found [few sections below](https://notes.ethereum.org/GgixO3A1TrSBTfif1E8etw?view#FFG-Casper--HLMD-GHOST--Gasper).
In a *synchronous network*, the message delay is upper-bounded by a constant $\Delta$ rounds, with $\Delta$ known to the protocol. Upon receiving a message, an honest validator broadcasts it, to ensure receipt by every honest validator within $\Delta$ rounds.
In a *partially synchronous network* in the sleepy model, communication is asynchronous until a global stabilization time (GST), after which communication becomes synchronous, i.e., message delays are bounded by $\Delta$ rounds. Moreover, honest validators sleep and wake up until a global awake time (GAT), after which all validators are awake. Adversary validators are always awake. [https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.04987.pdf]
#### View
A *view* (at a given round $r$), denoted by $G$, is a subset of all the messages that a validator has received until $r$. The notion of view is local for the validators. For this reason, when we want to focus the attention on a specific view of a validator $v_i$, we denote with $G_i$ the view of $v_i$ (at a round $r$).
### Gasper
**Gasper** is a proof-of-stake consensus protocol obtained by the combination of two protocols: **FFG Casper**, a partially synchronous consensus protocol (or *gadget*), and a synchronous consensus protocol named **LMD-GHOST**. The latter evolved during the years, due to some [problems](https://notes.ethereum.org/dWgSae0CS0qI11XVeuypNA). In the following sections, we present each protocol individually. Afterward, we demonstrate how the two interact with each other, culminating in the definition of Gasper.
#### Friendly Finality Gadget (FFG) Casper
**FFG Casper** is a partially synchronous consensus protocol atop a proposal mechanism. Its design seeks to *finalize* the proposed blocks, ensuring their safety even during potential network partitions. Once a block is finalized it cannot be reverted, and a conflicting finalized block cannot be obtained. Casper introduces *accountability*, i.e., if a validators violates some rule, it is possible to detect the violation and know which validator violated the rule. Accountability allows the system to penalize (or to *slash*) Byzantine validators, solving the [nothing at stake](https://vitalik.ca/general/2017/12/31/pos_faq.html#what-is-the-nothing-at-stake-problem-and-how-can-it-be-fixed) problem.
[Casper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1710.09437.pdf), introduced by Buterin and Griffith, works following a two-phase traditional propose-and-vote-based Byzantine fault tolerant (BFT) mechanism, such as [PBFT](https://pmg.csail.mit.edu/papers/osdi99.pdf) or [HotStuff](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1803.05069.pdf). Differently from PBFT or HotStuff, Casper is not a fully-specified protocol and is designed to be a *gadget* that works on top of a provided blockchain protocol. Again, differently from PBFT or HotStuff, there is no leader in charge of assembling proposals which are instead generated across honest nodes by an underlying proposal mechanism which produces child blocks of existing blocks, forming an ever-growing *block-tree*. The root of the three is the genesis block $B_{\text{genesis}}$. Casper only considers a subtree of the blocks generated by the proposal mechanism, which we call a *checkpoint tree*. Blocks in the Casper checkpoint tree are called *checkpoints*.
class Checkpoint(Container):
epoch: Epoch
root: Root
Casper proceeds as follows. Validators participate in the protocol by casting *votes* on blocks in the block-tree formed by the underlying proposal mechanism. This means that in the context of Casper, messages exchanged among validators are votes for blocks.
A vote message consists of four fields: two blocks (called in the context of Casper, checkpoints) $s$ (source) and $t$ (target) together with their heights $h(s)$ and $h(t)$[^1]. It is required to $s$ to be an ancestor of $t$ in the checkpoint tree, otherwise the vote is considered invalid. If $v_i$ is not in the validator set $\mathcal{V}$, the vote is considered invalid. Together with the signature of the validator $v_i$, a vote is expressed in the form $⟨v_i, s, t, h(s), h(t)⟩$.
Once a vote $⟨v_i, a, b, h(a), h(b)⟩$ has been cast by $\frac{2}{3}$ of validators[^2] and the checkpoint $a$ is *justified*, i.e., $a$ is either the genesis block or $\frac{2}{3}$ of validators have broadcast votes with source a justified block $j$ and target block $a$, i.e., the pair $(j,a)$ is a *supermajority link*, the checkpoint $b$ becomes justified. Finally, the checkpoint $b$ is finalized if $b$ is justified and at least $\frac{2}{3}$ of validators broadcast a vote $⟨v_i, b, c, h(b), h(c)⟩$, with $h(c)=h(b)+1.$[^3]
Let $⟨v_i, s_1, t_1, h(s_1), h(t_1)⟩$ and $⟨v, s_2, t_2, h(s_2), h(t_2)⟩$ be two voted cast by validator $v_i$. Then, it must not be that either:
* $h(t_1) = h(t_2)$, i.e., a validator must not publish two distinct votes for the same target height; or
* $h(s_1) < h(s_2) < h(t_2) < h(t_1)$, i.e., a validator must not vote within the span of its other votes.
If a validator violates either condition, the evidence of the violation can be observed, at which point the validator’s entire deposit is taken away (it is slashed) with a reward given to the submitter of the evidence transaction.
Casper satisfies the following two properties, and the proof can be found in the [full paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1710.09437.pdf).
* **Accountable Safety**: Two conflicting checkpoints imply that more than $\frac{1}{3}$ adversarial stake can be detected.
* **Plausible Liveness**: It is always possible to produce new finalized checkpoints, provided there exist blocks extending the justified checkpoint with the greatest height, and more than $\frac{2}{3}$ of the validators' stake is honest.
The set of validators needs to be able to change. New validators must be able to join, and existing validators must be able to leave.
class VoluntaryExit(Container):
epoch: Epoch # Earliest epoch when voluntary exit can be processed
validator_index: ValidatorIndex
class SignedVoluntaryExit(Container):
message: VoluntaryExit
signature: BLSSignature
When a validator wishes to exit from the validator list, it may create, sign, and broadcast a message of this type.
To accomplish this, the notion of *dynasty of a block* is introduced. The dynasty of a block $b$ is the number of finalized checkpoints in the chain from root to the parent of block $b$. When a would-be validator’s deposit message is included in a block with dynasty $d$, then the validator $v_i$ will join the validator set at first block with dynasty $d + 2$, which is called the validator’s *start dynasty*, $DS(v_i)$.
To leave the validator set, a validator must send a withdraw message. If validator $v_i$’s withdraw message is included in a block with dynasty $d$, it similarly leaves the validator set at the first block with dynasty $d + 2$, which is called the validator’s *end dynasty*, $DE(v_i)$. If a withdraw message has not yet been included, then $DE(v_i) = ∞$. Once validator $v_i$ leaves the validator set, the validator’s public key is forever forbidden from rejoining the validator set.
To generate two subsets of validators for any given dynasty $d$, the *forward validator set* and the *rear validator set* are introduced.
$$\mathcal{V}_f(d) ≡ \{v_i : DS(v_i) \le d < DE(v_i)\}, $$
$$\mathcal{V}_r(d) ≡ \{v_i : DS(v_i) < d \le DE(v_i)\}.$$
This implies a new way to define the notion of justified and finalized checkpoints. In particular, an ordered pair of checkpoints $(s,t)$, where $t$ is in dynasty $d$, has a supermajority link if *both* at least $\frac{2}{3}$ of validators of the forward validator set of dynasty $d$ have broadcast votes $(s,t)$ *and* at least $\frac{2}{3}$ of validators of the rear validator set of dynasty $d$ have broadcast votes $(s,t)$.
Previously, a checkpoint $c$ was called finalized if $c$ is justified and there is a supermajority link $(c,c')$ with $h(c')=h(c)+1$. Now it is added the condition that $c$ is finalized if only if the votes for the supermajority link $(c,c')$, as well as the supermajority link justifying $c$, are included in $c′$’s block-tree and before the child of $c′$.
[^2]: For the rest of this document, when we say “$\frac{2}{3}$ of validators”, we are referring to the deposit-weighted fraction; that is, a set of validators whose sum deposit size equals to $\frac{2}{3}$ of the total deposit size of the entire set of validators.
[^1]: The height $h(c)$ of a checkpoint $c$ is the number of elements in the checkpoint tree from $c$ (non-inclusive) to the root along the parent links.
[^3]: Votes can skip checkpoints, i.e., given a vote $⟨v_i, a, b, h(a), h(b)⟩$, it is permitted to have $h(b) > h(a) + 1$.
**LMD-GHOST**, short for *Latest Message Driven Greediest Heaviest Observed Sub-Tree*, is a synchronous consensus protocol. The protocol proceeds in [slots and epochs](https://notes.ethereum.org/@luca-zanolini/SyZAX6V8o#Time-and-sleepiness). During each slot, a block $B$ is proposed by a *proposer* -- a randomly picked validator from the committee for such slot, whose role is to propose a new block -- and broadcasted to all other validators. Subsequent honest validators within the committee cast their *votes* for a block. This means that in the context of LMD-GHOST protocol, messages exchanged among validators are both proposals for new blocks and votes for blocks. Here the protocol considers only each validator’s most recent vote. We retain a generic definition of "vote" here and will delve deeper into its specifics later when introducing the comprehensive Gasper protocol.
@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
class LatestMessage(object):
epoch: Epoch
root: Root
This struct represents the vote in the latest (meaning highest-epoch) valid attestation received from a validator.
Blocks situated at the start of an epoch are called *epoch boundary blocks*, playing a pivotal role as checkpoints, as we will observe later, for the FFG-Casper protocol.
Every validator $v_i$ needs to decide where to append a new block (if $v_i$ is a proposer) or which block $v_i$ should vote for. To make this decision, each validator executes a *fork-choice function*, specifically the LMD-GHOST fork-choice function.
The LMD-GHOST fork-choice function[^11] introduced by [Zamfir](https://github.com/vladzamfir/research/blob/master/papers/CasperTFG/CasperTFG.pdf) while looking for a “correct-by-construction” consensus protocol.
[^11]: A fork-choice function is a deterministic function that takes as inputs the set of blocks and other messages that have been seen, i.e., a view, and outputs what the *canonical chain* is. This is required because there may be multiple valid chains to choose from.
The idea behind LMD-GHOST fork-choice function is that at any fork, the protocol uses the weights of the subtrees created by the fork as a heuristic and assumes the subtree with the heaviest weight is the *right* one, as evident from the name of the algorithm. The weight of a subtree is determined by the sum of the stake of the validators that have cast a vote, at every slot, on each single block forming such subtree.
We first show informally how LMD-GHOST fork-choice function works through [an example](https://vitalik.ca/general/2018/12/05/cbc_casper.html), and then we present the algorithm that implements it.
Let us consider a validator set $\mathcal{V} = \{v_1, v_2, v_3, v_4, v_5\}$ and let us assume that validator $v_1$ makes the blocks at slots 0 and 5, validator $v_2$ makes the blocks at slots 1 and 6, and so on. A validator evaluating the LMD-GHOST fork-choice function cares only about the most recent message (votes) signed by each validator:

The protocol proceeds as it follows. Start from the genesis block, every time there is a fork, choose the side where more of the latest messages support that block's subtree, and keep doing this until a block with no descendants is reached.
By computing for each block the subset of latest messages that support either the block or one of its descendants, we obtain the following.

To compute the head, start at the beginning, and then at each fork pick the higher number: first, pick the bottom chain as it has 4 latest messages supporting it versus 1 for the single-block top chain, then at the next fork support the middle chain.
We now present the protocol in a more formal way. First we introduce the notion of *weight*.
Finally, given a view $G$[^4], let $M$ be the set of latest attestations, one per validator. The weight $w(G,B,M)$ is defined to be the sum of the stake of the validators whose last attestation in $M$ is to $B$ or descendants of $B.$
The following algorithm implements the LMD-GHOST fork-choice function.

Note that the fork-choice function detailed above isn't the one presently in use within the Ethereum protocol. Instead, it represents a more basic, or *vanilla*, LMD-GHOST fork-choice function. In the subsequent sections, we will outline the fork-choice function that Ethereum actually employs, which has been slightly adjusted to accommodate the impact of the finality gadget, Casper, within the entire protocol.
[comment]: # (Why LMD?)
[^4]: Since usually one talks about a specific point in time, the time can be suppressed and a notation such as $\mathscr{view}(v_i)$ (or, to simplify the notation, $G$) can be used to talk about $\mathscr{view}(v_i,t)$.
#### FFG Casper + (H)LMD-GHOST = Gasper
As we already mentioned, **Gasper** is a proof-of-stake protocol obtained by combining the finality gadget Casper together with LMD-GHOST protocol, the latter equipped with (an FFG-aware variation of) the fork-choice LMD-GHOST, called *Hybrid* LMD-GHOST (HLMD-GHOST) fork-choice function.
::: spoiler
class BeaconState(Container):
# Versioning
genesis_time: uint64
genesis_validators_root: Root
slot: Slot
fork: Fork
# History
latest_block_header: BeaconBlockHeader
block_roots: Vector[Root, SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT]
state_roots: Vector[Root, SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT]
historical_roots: List[Root, HISTORICAL_ROOTS_LIMIT]
# Eth1
eth1_data: Eth1Data
eth1_data_votes: List[Eth1Data, EPOCHS_PER_ETH1_VOTING_PERIOD * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH]
eth1_deposit_index: uint64
# Registry
validators: List[Validator, VALIDATOR_REGISTRY_LIMIT]
# Randomness
randao_mixes: Vector[Bytes32, EPOCHS_PER_HISTORICAL_VECTOR]
# Slashings
slashings: Vector[Gwei, EPOCHS_PER_SLASHINGS_VECTOR] # Per-epoch sums of slashed effective balances
# Participation
previous_epoch_participation: List[ParticipationFlags, VALIDATOR_REGISTRY_LIMIT]
current_epoch_participation: List[ParticipationFlags, VALIDATOR_REGISTRY_LIMIT]
# Finality
justification_bits: Bitvector[JUSTIFICATION_BITS_LENGTH] # Bit set for every recent justified epoch
previous_justified_checkpoint: Checkpoint
current_justified_checkpoint: Checkpoint
finalized_checkpoint: Checkpoint
# Inactivity
inactivity_scores: List[uint64, VALIDATOR_REGISTRY_LIMIT]
# Sync
current_sync_committee: SyncCommittee
next_sync_committee: SyncCommittee
# Execution
latest_execution_payload_header: ExecutionPayloadHeader # [New in Bellatrix]
The `BeaconState` is what every validator must agree on, i.e., it is the state that every honest validator (should) reach through Gasper. It contains all the relevant information regarding the active validators, their (exact) balances, the history of the blockchain, the slashed validators, and also all the information related to justification and finalization. Everything is bundled into this single state object.
We describe the most relevant (for this document) fields in the following.
`genesis_time`: used by the fork-choice function to figure out what slot we're in, and to validate `execution_payloads`;
`genesis_validators_root`: used to uniquely identify the chain that we are on;
`latest_block_header`: used to process blocks that are descendents of the previous block;
`block_roots` and `state_roots` are stored in lists until they are full. After that, the Merkle root is taken of both the lists together and appended to `historical_roots`;
`eth1_data`: is the latest agreed upon state of the deposit contract;
`eth1_data_votes`: votes on `Eth1Data`;
`eth1_deposit_index`: total number of deposits that have been processed by the beacon chain;
`validators` and `balances` contain the list of all the validators and their exact balances, respecively. Recall that every validator has two balances, an effective one (stored in the `Validator` object, and that is updated less frequently), and an exact one, that changes every epoch. Here the exact one is stored.
`slashings`: used to store the total effective balance of all validators slashed in an epoch, for every epoch;
`previous_epoch_participation`: used to record which validators participated in attesting during the previous epoch;
`current_epoch_participation`: used to record which validators participated in attesting during the current epoch;
`justification_bits`: used to keep track of the justification status of the last four epochs: $1$ if justified, $0$ if not;
`previous_justified_checkpoint` and `current_justified_checkpoint` are the most recent justified `Checkpoint` as it was during the previous epoch and the most recent justified `Checkpoint` during the current epoch, respectively. They are used to filter attestations, i.e., blocks are considered valid if they include only attestations with a source checkpoint that matches the justified checkpoint the state. Moreover, they are used during the finalization process, following the rule of FFG Casper;
`finalized_checkpoint`: used to keep track of the finalized checkpoint, as a result of FFG Casper. This guarantees that the state at or before the epoch with the finalized checkpoint will never be reverted, and the fork-choice function does not need to go back more that this checkpoint;
`latest_execution_payload_header`: header of the most recent execution payload.
def state_transition(state: BeaconState, signed_block: SignedBeaconBlock, validate_result: bool=True) -> None:
block = signed_block.message
# Process slots (including those with no blocks) since block
process_slots(state, block.slot)
# Verify signature
if validate_result:
assert verify_block_signature(state, signed_block)
# Process block
process_block(state, block)
# Verify state root
if validate_result:
assert block.state_root == hash_tree_root(state)
The `state_transition` function is the function that is used to modify the `BeaconState`, processing slots (through `process_slots`), even in the case with no blocks, and blocks (through `process_block`).
All the records/objects described in this box will be clearer after the next few sections.
In this section we show how to define justification and finalization in Gasper, and we present the Hybrid LMD-GHOST that is used among validators to choose the head/tip of the chain at any slot. Observe that in the context of Gasper, votes are often referred to as *attestations* -- we will use the terms interchangeably.
We start by presenting some preliminary notions.
For a block $B$ and an epoch $j$, define $EBB(B, j)$, the *$j$-th epoch boundary block* of $B$, to be the block with the highest slot less than or equal to $jC$ in $\mathscr{chain}(B)$, the unique chain determined by $B$. Let the *latest* such block be $LEBB(B)$, or the last epoch boundary block (of $B$). Then, for every block $B$, $EBB(B, 0)$ is the genesis block. More generally, if $\mathscr{slot}(B) = jC$ for some epoch $j$, $B$ will be an epoch boundary block in every chain that includes it.
However, a block could be an epoch boundary block in some chains but not others. For this reason, *epoch boundary pairs* (or pairs for short) *(B, j)* are introduced, where $B$ is a block and $j$ is an epoch. These epoch boundary pairs are considered to play the role of Casper's checkpoints. A pair $P = (B, j)$ has *attestation epoch* $j$, denoted as $\mathscr{aep}(P) = j$. Observe that this is not necessarily the same as $\mathscr{ep}(B)$, i.e., the epoch of $B$[^6]. In fact, $\mathscr{ep}()$ is a local property that only depends on the block’s slot, while epoch boundary concepts like $\mathscr{aep}()$ depend on the context of the chain.
[^6]: Note that, without loss of generality, sometimes slot numbers are used as argument for $\mathscr{ep}$ and $\mathscr{aep}$ instead of blocks. It is clear that at any block $B$ corresponds a slot number. Moreover, $\mathscr{ep}(\alpha)$ is sometimes used as shorthand for $\mathscr{ep}(\mathscr{slot}(\alpha))$.

In the image above, $\mathscr{aep}(63, 1)$ and $\mathscr{ep}(63) = 0$.
Finally, observe that, in Gasper, instead of justifying and finalizing checkpoint blocks as with Casper, epoch boundary pairs are justified and finalized.
Given a block $B$, we define $\mathscr{view}(B)$, the view of $B$, to be the view consisting of $B$ and all its ancestors. We define $\mathscr{ffgview}(B)$, the FFG view of $B$, to be $\mathscr{view}(LEBB(B))$.
The definition of $\mathscr{view}(B)$ is *agnostic of the viewer*, in the sense that any view that accepted $B$ can compute an identical $\mathscr{view}(B)$, so we do not need to supply a validator into the argument. Intuitively, $\mathscr{view}(B)$ *focuses* the view to the chain starting from the genesis block to $B$ and $\mathscr{ffgview}(B)$ looks at a *frozen* snapshot of $\mathscr{view}(B)$ at the last checkpoint. Casper FFG operates only on epoch boundary pairs, so the FFG view of a block $B$ extracts exactly the information in the chain starting from the genesis block to $B$ that is relevant to Casper FFG.
In Gasper, validators are partitioned into [committees](https://notes.ethereum.org/GgixO3A1TrSBTfif1E8etw?view#Time-and-sleepiness) in each epoch, with one committee per slot.
In order to decrease the number of messages on the network while attesting, the set of validators is partitioned (within an epoch) into committees. Each validator participates in only one of the committee, i.e., committees within an epoch are disjoint.
The protocol adjusts the number of committees in an epoch based on the number of active validators in that epoch. The number of committees is defined through the following function.
def get_committee_count_per_slot(state: BeaconState, epoch: Epoch) -> uint64:
Return the number of committees in each slot for the given ``epoch``.
return max(uint64(1), min(
uint64(len(get_active_validator_indices(state, epoch))) // SLOTS_PER_EPOCH // TARGET_COMMITTEE_SIZE,
For example, assuming $262144$ active validators in an epoch $n$, and requiring $64$ committees per slot (with $32$ slots per epoch), we have in epoch $n$ committees of $128$ validators.
In the current implementation of Gasper, there are $64$ committtees, also called *beacon committees*, per slot. These were originally intended to map directly to $64$ shards, but no longer have that function. These beacon committees still serve a useful purpose in parallelising the aggregation of attestations.
However, all the $64$ committees in a slot act as a single committee, all voting on the same information.
At the start of a new epoch, all the existing committees are disbanded and the active validator set is divided into new committees. The composition of the committees is determined at the begining of an epoch. In particular, by considering the set of active validators for that epoch, and the RANDAO seed value at the start of the previous epoch (RANDAO is a mechanism to provide an in-protocol randomness [https://eth2book.info/altair/part2/building_blocks/randomness/#the-randao]),
def get_seed(state: BeaconState, epoch: Epoch, domain_type: DomainType) -> Bytes32:
Return the seed at ``epoch``.
mix = get_randao_mix(state, Epoch(epoch + EPOCHS_PER_HISTORICAL_VECTOR - MIN_SEED_LOOKAHEAD - 1)) # Avoid underflow
return hash(domain_type + uint_to_bytes(epoch) + mix)
the active validators are divided among the committees in an epoch through the following function.
def compute_committee(indices: Sequence[ValidatorIndex],
seed: Bytes32,
index: uint64,
count: uint64) -> Sequence[ValidatorIndex]:
Return the committee corresponding to ``indices``, ``seed``, ``index``, and committee ``count``.
start = (len(indices) * index) // count
end = (len(indices) * uint64(index + 1)) // count
return [indices[compute_shuffled_index(uint64(i), uint64(len(indices)), seed)] for i in range(start, end)]
with `compute_shuffled_index` defined as it follows.
def compute_shuffled_index(index: uint64, index_count: uint64, seed: Bytes32) -> uint64:
Return the shuffled index corresponding to ``seed`` (and ``index_count``).
assert index < index_count
# Swap or not (https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-642-32009-5_1.pdf)
# See the 'generalized domain' algorithm on page 3
for current_round in range(SHUFFLE_ROUND_COUNT):
pivot = bytes_to_uint64(hash(seed + uint_to_bytes(uint8(current_round)))[0:8]) % index_count
flip = (pivot + index_count - index) % index_count
position = max(index, flip)
source = hash(
+ uint_to_bytes(uint8(current_round))
+ uint_to_bytes(uint32(position // 256))
byte = uint8(source[(position % 256) // 8])
bit = (byte >> (position % 8)) % 2
index = flip if bit else index
return index
Validators are assigned to committees randomly in order to prevent an attacker to dominate a single committee.
Other than the beacon committees, whose members, as we already said, attest to what they see as the head of the chain with the fork-choice function HLMD-GHOST, the current implementation of Gasper also considers the *sync committee*.
The sync committee is a committee of $512$ validators that is randomly selected every $256$ epochs (around $27$ hours), votes $8192$ times during that period, and while a validator is part of the currently active sync committee it is expected to continually sign the block header that is the new head of the chain at each slot.
*The purpose of the sync committee is to allow light clients, i.e., small nodes able to run on lower resource kit, to keep track of the chain of beacon block headers. Sync committees are (i) updated infrequently, and (ii) saved directly in the beacon state, allowing light clients to verify the sync committee with a Merkle branch from a block header that they already know about, and use the public keys in the sync committee to directly authenticate signatures of more recent blocks.* [https://github.com/ethereum/annotated-spec/blob/master/altair/sync-protocol.md]
class SyncCommitteeMessage(Container):
# Slot to which this contribution pertains
slot: Slot
# Block root for this signature
beacon_block_root: Root
# Index of the validator that produced this signature
validator_index: ValidatorIndex
# Signature by the validator over the block root of `slot`
signature: BLSSignature
To determine sync committee assignments, a validator can run the following function.
def is_assigned_to_sync_committee(state: BeaconState,
epoch: Epoch,
validator_index: ValidatorIndex) -> bool:
sync_committee_period = compute_sync_committee_period(epoch)
current_epoch = get_current_epoch(state)
current_sync_committee_period = compute_sync_committee_period(current_epoch)
next_sync_committee_period = current_sync_committee_period + 1
assert sync_committee_period in (current_sync_committee_period, next_sync_committee_period)
pubkey = state.validators[validator_index].pubkey
if sync_committee_period == current_sync_committee_period:
return pubkey in state.current_sync_committee.pubkeys
else: # sync_committee_period == next_sync_committee_period
return pubkey in state.next_sync_committee.pubkeys
Here, `epoch` is an epoch number within the current or next sync committee period, computed as it follows.
def compute_sync_committee_period(epoch: Epoch) -> uint64:
`is_assigned_to_sync_committee` is a *predicate that indicates the presence or absence of the validator in the corresponding sync committee for the queried sync committee period.* [https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/altair/validator.md#containers]
Observe that a validator can be part of both a beacon committee and a sync committee.
In each slot, one validator from the designated committee proposes a block. Then, all the members of that committee will vote (or *attest*) to what they see as the head of the chain output by the fork-choice function HLMD-GHOST (a slight variation of LMD-GHOST that will be presented below), and will also cast an FFG vote for the transition between the two epoch boundary pairs (akin to Casper's checkpoint blocks). To be more specific, a validator in Gasper does two things at once: it simultaneously casts an LMD-GHOST vote and also an FFG Casper vote.
This means that, in the context of Gasper, messages are (i) *proposals* for new blocks (which is a message containing the slot number, a pointer to the parent block, a set of pointers to all the attestations that the validator has accepted, but have not been included in any other ancestor block, and some implementation-specific data):
def compute_proposer_index(state: BeaconState, indices: Sequence[ValidatorIndex], seed: Bytes32) -> ValidatorIndex:
Return from ``indices`` a random index sampled by effective balance.
assert len(indices) > 0
MAX_RANDOM_BYTE = 2**8 - 1
i = uint64(0)
total = uint64(len(indices))
while True:
candidate_index = indices[compute_shuffled_index(i % total, total, seed)]
random_byte = hash(seed + uint_to_bytes(uint64(i // 32)))[i % 32]
effective_balance = state.validators[candidate_index].effective_balance
if effective_balance * MAX_RANDOM_BYTE >= MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE * random_byte:
return candidate_index
i += 1
This function chooses a proposer, accepts them with `BALANCE/32` probability, and if it fails it keeps trying. This is done so that the probability of being selected as a proposer remains proportional to balance.
class BeaconBlockBody(Container):
randao_reveal: BLSSignature
eth1_data: Eth1Data # Eth1 data vote
graffiti: Bytes32 # Arbitrary data
# Operations
proposer_slashings: List[ProposerSlashing, MAX_PROPOSER_SLASHINGS]
attester_slashings: List[AttesterSlashing, MAX_ATTESTER_SLASHINGS]
attestations: List[Attestation, MAX_ATTESTATIONS]
deposits: List[Deposit, MAX_DEPOSITS]
voluntary_exits: List[SignedVoluntaryExit, MAX_VOLUNTARY_EXITS]
sync_aggregate: SyncAggregate
# Execution
execution_payload: ExecutionPayload # [New in Bellatrix]
The `BeaconBlock` is the block that the proposer for a given slot creates and communicates to the network. This block, if correct, will update the `BeaconState` of every honest validator. Validators are randomly selected to propose `BeaconBlock`s, and there can be at most one `BeaconBlock` per slot.
`randao_reveal`: record used for randomness purposes. The proposer generates it by signing the current epoch number with its private key;
`eth1_data`: record used in a pre-merge version of Ethereum consensus protocol, and it is/was used for the deposits of validators;
`graffiti`: record used by the proposer to insert whatever data it wishes. It has no protocol level significance;
`proposer_slashings`: contains up to `MAX_PROPOSER_SLASHINGS` `ProposerSlashing` objects (see below);
`attester_slashings`: contains up to `MAX_ATTESTER_SLASHINGS` `AttesterSlashing` objects (see below);
`attestations`: contains up to `MAX_ATTESTATIONS` `Attestation objects` (see below). The proposer earns a reward for including well-packed aggregate attestations;
`deposits`: if the block does not contain all the outstanding `Deposits`, it is considered invalid;
`voluntary_exits`: contains up to `MAX_VOLUNTARY_EXITS` `SignedVoluntaryExit` objects;
`sync_aggregate`: is a record voted from the current sync committee for the chain head in the previous slot;
`execution_payload`: Ethereum transactions are included in this record.
class BeaconBlock(Container):
slot: Slot
proposer_index: ValidatorIndex
parent_root: Root
state_root: Root
body: BeaconBlockBody
(ii) *votes* for the tip of the chain output by the fork-choice function used by LMD-GHOST protocol, and (iii) *FFG votes* (these two kind of votes are incapsulated in one attestation $\alpha$ (which is a message containing the slot in which the validator is making the attestation, $\mathscr{slot}(\alpha)$, the target block a validator is attesting to, $\mathscr{block}(\alpha)$, and a checkpoint edge between two epoch boundary pairs, $LJ(\alpha) \rightarrow LE(\alpha)$)).
class AttestationData(Container):
slot: Slot
index: CommitteeIndex
# LMD GHOST vote
beacon_block_root: Root
# FFG vote
source: Checkpoint
target: Checkpoint
`AttestationData` contains information about the attestation that a validator sent to the network in a given slot.
`slot`: slot in which a validator is casting the attestation. It is recorded here for validation purposes;
`index`: there can be several committees active in a single slot. This is the number of the committee that the validator belongs to in that slot;
`beacon_block_root` is the validator's vote on the head block for that slot after locally running the LMD GHOST fork-choice function. If the validator believes that the current slot is empty, then this record might be the root of a block from a previous slot;
`source`: the best currently justified checkpoint for the Casper FFG finalisation process, according to the validator;
`target`: the block at the start of the current epoch (EBB), also for Casper FFG finalization, according to the validator;
`AttestationData` is wrapped in the following.
class Attestation(Container):
aggregation_bits: Bitlist[MAX_VALIDATORS_PER_COMMITTEE]
data: AttestationData
signature: BLSSignature
def process_attestation(state: BeaconState, attestation: Attestation) -> None:
data = attestation.data
assert data.target.epoch in (get_previous_epoch(state), get_current_epoch(state))
assert data.target.epoch == compute_epoch_at_slot(data.slot)
assert data.slot + MIN_ATTESTATION_INCLUSION_DELAY <= state.slot <= data.slot + SLOTS_PER_EPOCH
assert data.index < get_committee_count_per_slot(state, data.target.epoch)
committee = get_beacon_committee(state, data.slot, data.index)
assert len(attestation.aggregation_bits) == len(committee)
# Participation flag indices
participation_flag_indices = get_attestation_participation_flag_indices(state, data, state.slot - data.slot)
# Verify signature
assert is_valid_indexed_attestation(state, get_indexed_attestation(state, attestation))
# Update epoch participation flags
if data.target.epoch == get_current_epoch(state):
epoch_participation = state.current_epoch_participation
epoch_participation = state.previous_epoch_participation
proposer_reward_numerator = 0
for index in get_attesting_indices(state, data, attestation.aggregation_bits):
for flag_index, weight in enumerate(PARTICIPATION_FLAG_WEIGHTS):
if flag_index in participation_flag_indices and not has_flag(epoch_participation[index], flag_index):
epoch_participation[index] = add_flag(epoch_participation[index], flag_index)
proposer_reward_numerator += get_base_reward(state, index) * weight
# Reward proposer
proposer_reward = Gwei(proposer_reward_numerator // proposer_reward_denominator)
increase_balance(state, get_beacon_proposer_index(state), proposer_reward)
This function processes attestations included in `BeaconBlockBody`. First it performs some validity checks such as, for example, that the target checkpoint and the attestation's slot must belong to the same epoch, or that the attestation must be no older than `SLOTS_PER_EPOCH` ($32$) slots. Then, once the attestation has passed all the validity checks, it is processed.
Both proposal and attestation require to add a corresponding block and an attestation, respectively, to the validator's view, and then to broadcast it to the network. Observe that both proposing and attesting requires the committee member to run the same fork-choice function on the validator's own view.
**To summarize**, validators in Gasper cast either a proposal message, containing a new block on top of the canonical chain output by HLMD-GHOST fork-choice function, or an attestation message, containing two types of vote: an LMD-GHOST vote for the head of the canonical chain output by HLMD-GHOST fork-choice function and an FFG Casper vote between epoch boundary pairs.
In the previous section, the notion of justification and finalization were given in the context of FFG Casper. For Gasper, these are extended as it follows.
Recall an attestation $\alpha$ for Gasper contains a checkpoint edge $LJ(\alpha) \rightarrow LE(\alpha)$ between epoch boundary pairs, acting as a FFG vote between two epoch boundary pairs. If at least $\frac{2}{3}$ of validators have broadcast votes with source $(A,j')$ and target $(B,j)$, then there is a *supermajority link* from epoch boundary pairs $(A,j')$ and $(B,j),$ denoted with $(A,j') \xrightarrow[]{J} (B,j)$.
Given a view $G$, the set $J(G)$ of *justified* pairs is such that $(B_{\text{genesis}}, 0) \in J(G)$ and if $(A,j') \in J(G)$ and $(A,j') \xrightarrow[]{J} (B,j)$ , then $(B,j) \in J(G)$, i.e., $B$ is justified in $G$ during epoch $j.$
With the notion of justification, it becomes clearer then what both $LJ(\alpha)$ and $LE(\alpha)$ mean: $LJ(\alpha)$ is the last justified pair of $\alpha$, i.e., the last justified pair in $\mathscr{ffgview}(\mathscr{block}(\alpha))=\mathscr{view}(B)$, while $LE(\alpha)$ is the last epoch boundary pair of $\alpha$, i.e., $(B, \mathscr{ep}(\mathscr{slot}(\alpha)))$

A validator’s view $G$ as she writes an attestation in epoch $3$. During epoch $1$, latency issues make her not see any blocks, so block $64$ is both $EBB(193, 1)$ and $EBB(193, 2)$. She ends up writing an attestation $\alpha$ with an LMD-GHOST vote for $\mathscr{block}(\alpha) = 193$ and a FFG vote checkpoint edge (single arc edge) $(64,2) \rightarrow (180,3)$. Blocks in red are justified (in $G$). Double edges corresponding to supermajority links. Then, $LE(\alpha) = (180, 3)$, even though $\mathscr{ep}(180) = 2$. In $\mathscr{ffgview}(193) = \mathscr{view}(180)$, the last justified (by epoch number, not slot) pair is (64, 2), so $LJ(\alpha) = (64, 2)$.
Everything here is analogous to Casper FFG. Inside the chain of $\mathscr{block}(\alpha)$ is a sub-chain created by the epoch boundary blocks of that chain, starting from Bgenesis and ending at $B = LEBB(\alpha)$.
For a view $G$, a pair $(B_0, j)$ is *finalized* (specifically, $k$-finalized) in $G$ if $(B_0, j) = (B_{\text{genesis}},0)$ or if there is an integer $k \ge 1$ and blocks $B_1,...,B_k \in G$ such that the following holds:
* $(B_0,j),(B_1,j+1),...,(B_k,j+k)$ are adjacent epoch boundary pairs in $\mathscr{chain}(B_k)$;
* $(B_0,j),(B_1,j+1),...,(B_{k−1},j+k−1)$ are all in $J(G)$;
* $(B_0,j) \xrightarrow[]{J} (B_k,j+k)$.
The set $F(G)$ is the set of finalized pairs in the view $G$; a block $B$ is finalized if $(B,j) \in F(G)$ for some epoch $j$. For the vast majority of time, $1$-finalized (or $2$-finalized) blocks are expected.
def process_justification_and_finalization(state: BeaconState) -> None:
# Initial FFG checkpoint values have a `0x00` stub for `root`.
# Skip FFG updates in the first two epochs to avoid corner cases that might result in modifying this stub.
if get_current_epoch(state) <= GENESIS_EPOCH + 1:
previous_indices = get_unslashed_participating_indices(state, TIMELY_TARGET_FLAG_INDEX, get_previous_epoch(state))
current_indices = get_unslashed_participating_indices(state, TIMELY_TARGET_FLAG_INDEX, get_current_epoch(state))
total_active_balance = get_total_active_balance(state)
previous_target_balance = get_total_balance(state, previous_indices)
current_target_balance = get_total_balance(state, current_indices)
weigh_justification_and_finalization(state, total_active_balance, previous_target_balance, current_target_balance)
FFG Casper happens in `process_justification_and_finalization`.
`get_unslashed_participating_indices()`: returns the validators that made a timely attestation with the type `TIMELY_TARGET_FLAG_INDEX` during the epoch in question. It is used to calculate the proportion of stake that voted for the candidate checkpoint in the current and previous epochs. Observe that if a validator $v_i$ has the flag `TIMELY_TARGET_FLAG_INDEX` set, it means that a correct source and target have been used in the attestation broadcasted by $v_i$. In other words, if validator $v_i$ broadcasts an attestation $\alpha$ with correct source $s$ and target $t$ in epoch $n$, then for epoch $n$ validator $v_i$ has the flag `TIMELY_TARGET_FLAG_INDEX`. Moreover, if $v_i$ has not been slashed, then the index $i$ will be returned by `get_unslashed_participating_indices(state, TIMELY_TARGET_FLAG_INDEX, n)`;
`get_total_active_balance(state: BeaconState)`: the sum of the *effective balances* of all active validators in the current epoch (slashed validators are not included);
`get_total_balance(state: BeaconState, indices: Set[ValidatorIndex])`: returns the total balance of all validators in the list `indices` passed in.
The function `process_justification_and_finalization` takes the lists of unslashed validators in the current and previous epochs, gets their respective total balances, and calculates the sum of the *effective balances* of all active validators in the current epoch. Then, these aggregate balances are passed to the following function for justification and finalization.
def weigh_justification_and_finalization(state: BeaconState,
total_active_balance: Gwei,
previous_epoch_target_balance: Gwei,
current_epoch_target_balance: Gwei) -> None:
previous_epoch = get_previous_epoch(state)
current_epoch = get_current_epoch(state)
old_previous_justified_checkpoint = state.previous_justified_checkpoint
old_current_justified_checkpoint = state.current_justified_checkpoint
# Process justifications
state.previous_justified_checkpoint = state.current_justified_checkpoint
state.justification_bits[1:] = state.justification_bits[:JUSTIFICATION_BITS_LENGTH - 1]
state.justification_bits[0] = 0b0
if previous_epoch_target_balance * 3 >= total_active_balance * 2:
state.current_justified_checkpoint = Checkpoint(epoch=previous_epoch,
root=get_block_root(state, previous_epoch))
state.justification_bits[1] = 0b1
if current_epoch_target_balance * 3 >= total_active_balance * 2:
state.current_justified_checkpoint = Checkpoint(epoch=current_epoch,
root=get_block_root(state, current_epoch))
state.justification_bits[0] = 0b1
# Process finalizations
bits = state.justification_bits
# The 2nd/3rd/4th most recent epochs are justified, the 2nd using the 4th as source
if all(bits[1:4]) and old_previous_justified_checkpoint.epoch + 3 == current_epoch:
state.finalized_checkpoint = old_previous_justified_checkpoint
# The 2nd/3rd most recent epochs are justified, the 2nd using the 3rd as source
if all(bits[1:3]) and old_previous_justified_checkpoint.epoch + 2 == current_epoch:
state.finalized_checkpoint = old_previous_justified_checkpoint
# The 1st/2nd/3rd most recent epochs are justified, the 1st using the 3rd as source
if all(bits[0:3]) and old_current_justified_checkpoint.epoch + 2 == current_epoch:
state.finalized_checkpoint = old_current_justified_checkpoint
# The 1st/2nd most recent epochs are justified, the 1st using the 2nd as source
if all(bits[0:2]) and old_current_justified_checkpoint.epoch + 1 == current_epoch:
state.finalized_checkpoint = old_current_justified_checkpoint
Given a `BeaconState`, the function `weigh_justification_and_finalization` first handles the justification, and then the finalization.
Recall that the `justification_bits` record contained in the `BeaconState` is used to keep track of the justification status of the last four epochs: $1$ if justified, $0$ if not. For example, if we are in epoch $7$, then `state.justification_bits[0]` represents the justification state of epoch $7$ and `state.justification_bits[3]=1` means that epoch $4$ is justified, i.e., that at least $\frac{2}{3}$ of the validators cast a vote $⟨v_i, a, b, h(a), h(b)⟩$ with (a justified) checkpoint $a$ and an epoch boundary block $b$ for epoch $4$.
In particular, in the first part (# Process justifications), given the balances of the previous and the current epochs (i.e., the total amount of deposits of the active validators that cast a vote in the previous and current epochs), the two `if` statements try to justify the previous and the current epoch's checkpoints, respectively. If both the `if` statements return true, then before the finalization process starts we have `state.justification_bits[0]=state.justification_bits[1]=1`.
For the second part, (# Process finalizations), observe that a $2$-finalization rule is used. In particular, for a view $G$, a pair $(B_0, j)$ is $2$-finalized in $G$ if $(B_0, j) = (B_{\text{genesis}},0)$ or if there are two blocks $B_1, B_2 \in G$ such that the following holds:
* $(B_0,j),(B_1,j+1),(B_2,j+2)$ are adjacent epoch boundary pairs in $\mathscr{chain}(B_2)$;
* $(B_0,j),(B_1,j+1)$ are all in $J(G)$;
* $(B_0,j) \xrightarrow[]{J} (B_2,j+2)$.
In `weigh_justification_and_finalization`,
* the first condition reflects on requiring that `old_previous_justified_checkpoint.epoch + 3 == current_epoch` and `old_previous_justified_checkpoint.epoch + 2 == current_epoch`;
* the second condition reflects on requiring that `state.justification_bits[3]=state.justification_bits[2]=1`; and
* the third condition reflects on requiring that `state.justification_bits[1]=1`. In particular, if `state.justification_bits[0]=state.justification_bits[1]=1` (from the justification process above) and if `state.justification_bits[3]=state.justification_bits[2]=1`, then the existence of supermajority links is implied.
We can now finally present HLMD-GHOST, a variation of LMD-GHOST. In this variation, the protocol freezes the state of the latest justified pair $(B_J , j)$ to the beginning of the epochs; formally, this means when defining $(B_J , j)$ the protocol considers the views of $\mathscr{ffgview}(B_l)$ over the leaf blocks $B_l$. Then, it filters the branches so one does not go down branches with leaf nodes $B_l$ where $LJ(B_l)$ has not *caught up* to $(B_J,j)$; formally, an auxiliary view $G'$ from $G$ is created. This filtering prevents scenarios in which, when the algorithm forks, forked blocks have different last justified pairs. In fact, if this happened and no filtering was applied, if a validator $v_i$ that previously attested to a higher last justification epoch forks into a chain whose last justification epoch is older, then $v_i$ may end up slashing itself (see just below).

One can think of each chain of a leaf block $B_l$ as storing the state of its own last justified pair. During an epoch, new attestations to blocks in the chain updates the GHOST-relevant list of latest attestations $M$ but not the FFG-relevant justification and finalization information of the chain until the next epoch boundary block. This way, the *FFG part* of the protocol always works with the *frozen until next epoch* information, while the *GHOST part* of the protocol is being updated continuously with the attestations.
The fork-choice function of Gasper went through several updates and changes during the years. To see how this evolved over the years, see [this chapter](https://eth2book.info/capella/part3/forkchoice/).
The fork-choice is implemented through a `store` object that contains received fork-choice-relevant information, and a function `get_head(store)`. `Store` represents the view $G$ of a validator.
class Store(object):
time: uint64
genesis_time: uint64
justified_checkpoint: Checkpoint
finalized_checkpoint: Checkpoint
best_justified_checkpoint: Checkpoint
proposer_boost_root: Root
equivocating_indices: Set[ValidatorIndex]
blocks: Dict[Root, BeaconBlock] = field(default_factory=dict)
block_states: Dict[Root, BeaconState] = field(default_factory=dict)
checkpoint_states: Dict[Checkpoint, BeaconState] = field(default_factory=dict)
latest_messages: Dict[ValidatorIndex, LatestMessage] = field(default_factory=dict)
The records here are as it follows.
`time`: the current time;
`genesis_time`: the time of the genesis block of the chain;
`justified_checkpoint`: the FFG-Casper-justified checkpoint that is used as the root of the HLMD-GHOST fork-choice;
`finalized_checkpoint`: the last finalized checkpoint;
`best_justified_checkpoint`: the justified checkpoint that we will switch to at the start of the next epoch;
`proposer_boost_root`: a special `LatestMessage` that stores the boost [https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/pull/2730] (see the section on *Proposer Weight Boosting* in [Part II](https://notes.ethereum.org/dWgSae0CS0qI11XVeuypNA));
`equivocating_indices`: list of validators that equivocated, i.e., cast contradictory votes [https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/pull/2845] (see the section on *Equivocation Discounting* in [Part II](https://notes.ethereum.org/dWgSae0CS0qI11XVeuypNA));
`blocks`: all blocks that we know about;
`block_states`: the post-state of every block that we know about;
`checkpoint_states`: the post-state of every checkpoint. This could be different from the post-state of the block referenced by the checkpoint in the case where there are skipped slots;
`latest_messages`: the latest epoch and block voted for by each validator;
At genesis, let `store = get_forkchoice_store(genesis_state)` and update store by running:
def on_tick(store: Store, time: uint64) -> None:
previous_slot = get_current_slot(store)
# update store time
store.time = time
current_slot = get_current_slot(store)
# Reset store.proposer_boost_root if this is a new slot
if current_slot > previous_slot:
store.proposer_boost_root = Root()
# Not a new epoch, return
if not (current_slot > previous_slot and compute_slots_since_epoch_start(current_slot) == 0):
# Update store.justified_checkpoint if a better checkpoint on the store.finalized_checkpoint chain
if store.best_justified_checkpoint.epoch > store.justified_checkpoint.epoch:
finalized_slot = compute_start_slot_at_epoch(store.finalized_checkpoint.epoch)
ancestor_at_finalized_slot = get_ancestor(store, store.best_justified_checkpoint.root, finalized_slot)
if ancestor_at_finalized_slot == store.finalized_checkpoint.root:
store.justified_checkpoint = store.best_justified_checkpoint
This function runs on each tick. At the end of each epoch, update the justified checkpoint used in the fork-choice;
def on_attestation(store: Store, attestation: Attestation) -> None:
Run ``on_attestation`` upon receiving a new ``attestation`` from either within a block or directly on the wire.
An ``attestation`` that is asserted as invalid may be valid at a later time,
consider scheduling it for later processing in such case.
validate_on_attestation(store, attestation)
store_target_checkpoint_state(store, attestation.data.target)
# Get state at the `target` to fully validate attestation
target_state = store.checkpoint_states[attestation.data.target]
indexed_attestation = get_indexed_attestation(target_state, attestation)
assert is_valid_indexed_attestation(target_state, indexed_attestation)
# Update latest messages for attesting indices
update_latest_messages(store, indexed_attestation.attesting_indices, attestation)
This function runs whenever an attestation attestation is received; and
def on_block(store: Store, signed_block: SignedBeaconBlock) -> None:
Run ``on_block`` upon receiving a new block.
A block that is asserted as invalid due to unavailable PoW block may be valid at a later time,
consider scheduling it for later processing in such case.
block = signed_block.message
# Parent block must be known
assert block.parent_root in store.block_states
# Make a copy of the state to avoid mutability issues
pre_state = copy(store.block_states[block.parent_root])
# Blocks cannot be in the future. If they are, their consideration must be delayed until they are in the past.
assert get_current_slot(store) >= block.slot
# Check that block is later than the finalized epoch slot (optimization to reduce calls to get_ancestor)
finalized_slot = compute_start_slot_at_epoch(store.finalized_checkpoint.epoch)
assert block.slot > finalized_slot
# Check block is a descendant of the finalized block at the checkpoint finalized slot
assert get_ancestor(store, block.parent_root, finalized_slot) == store.finalized_checkpoint.root
# Check the block is valid and compute the post-state
state = pre_state.copy()
state_transition(state, signed_block, True)
# [New in Bellatrix]
if is_merge_transition_block(pre_state, block.body):
# Add new block to the store
store.blocks[hash_tree_root(block)] = block
# Add new state for this block to the store
store.block_states[hash_tree_root(block)] = state
# Add proposer score boost if the block is timely
time_into_slot = (store.time - store.genesis_time) % SECONDS_PER_SLOT
is_before_attesting_interval = time_into_slot < SECONDS_PER_SLOT // INTERVALS_PER_SLOT
if get_current_slot(store) == block.slot and is_before_attesting_interval:
store.proposer_boost_root = hash_tree_root(block)
# Update justified checkpoint
if state.current_justified_checkpoint.epoch > store.justified_checkpoint.epoch:
if state.current_justified_checkpoint.epoch > store.best_justified_checkpoint.epoch:
store.best_justified_checkpoint = state.current_justified_checkpoint
if should_update_justified_checkpoint(store, state.current_justified_checkpoint):
store.justified_checkpoint = state.current_justified_checkpoint
# Update finalized checkpoint
if state.finalized_checkpoint.epoch > store.finalized_checkpoint.epoch:
store.finalized_checkpoint = state.finalized_checkpoint
store.justified_checkpoint = state.current_justified_checkpoint
This function runs whenever a `SignedBeaconBlock` is received.
Any of the above handlers that trigger an unhandled exception are considered invalid. Invalid calls to handlers must not modify `store`.
Observe that `best_justified_checkpoint` is stored to prevend an attack on FFG Casper [https://ethresear.ch/t/analysis-of-bouncing-attack-on-ffg/6113]. In particular, `on_block` uses the following function.
def should_update_justified_checkpoint(store: Store, new_justified_checkpoint: Checkpoint) -> bool:
To address the bouncing attack, only update conflicting justified
checkpoints in the fork-choice if in the early slots of the epoch.
Otherwise, delay incorporation of new justified checkpoint until next epoch boundary.
See https://ethresear.ch/t/prevention-of-bouncing-attack-on-ffg/6114 for more detailed analysis and discussion.
if compute_slots_since_epoch_start(get_current_slot(store)) < SAFE_SLOTS_TO_UPDATE_JUSTIFIED:
return True
justified_slot = compute_start_slot_at_epoch(store.justified_checkpoint.epoch)
if not get_ancestor(store, new_justified_checkpoint.root, justified_slot) == store.justified_checkpoint.root:
return False
return True
*The idea here is that we want to only change the last-justified-block within the first $\frac{1}{3}$ of an epoch. This prevents bouncing attacks of the following form.* Observe that the following blocks, i.e., $A,B,A',...$, are EBB in Gasper.
* *Start from a scenario where in epoch $n$, $62\%$ of validators support block $A$, and in epoch $n+1$, $62\%$ of validators support a block $B$. Suppose that the attacker has $5\%$ of the total stake. This scenario requires very exceptional networking conditions to get into; the point of the attack, however, is that if we get into such a scenario the attacker could perpetuate it, permanently preventing finality.*
* *Due to LMD-GHOST, $B$ is favored, and so validators are continuing to vote for $B$. However, the attacker suddenly publishes attestations worth $5\%$ of the total stake tagged with epoch $n$ for block $A$, causing $A$ to get justified.*
* *In epoch $n+2$, $A$ is justified and so validators are attesting to $A'$, a descendant of $A$. When $A'$ gets to $62\%$ support, the attacker publishes attestations worth $5\%$ of total stake tagged with epoch $n+1$ for $B$. Now $B$ is justified and favored by the fork-choice.*
* *In epoch $n+3$, $B$ is justified, and so validators are attesting to $B'$, a descendant of $B$. When $B'$ gets to $62\%$ support, the attacker publishes attestations worth $5\%$ of total stake tagged with epoch $n+2$ for $A'$, etc.*
*This could continue forever, bouncing permanently between the two chains preventing any new block from being finalized. This attack can happen because the combined use of LMD-GHOST and FFG Casper creates a discontinuity, where a small shift in support for a block can outweigh a large amount of support for another block if that small shift pushes it past the $\frac{2}{3}$ threshold needed for justification. We block the attack by only allowing the latest justified block to change near the beginning of an epoch; this way, there is a full $\frac{2}{3}$ of an epoch during which honest validators agree on the head and have the opportunity to justify a block and thereby further cement it, at the same time causing the LMD-GHOST rule to strongly favor that head. This sets up that block to most likely be finalized in the next epoch.* [https://github.com/ethereum/annotated-spec/blob/master/phase0/fork-choice.md#should_update_justified_checkpoint]
The following function initializes the `store` given a particular block (the `anchor_block`) that the fork-choice would start from. The provided `anchor-state` will be regarded as a trusted state.
def get_forkchoice_store(anchor_state: BeaconState, anchor_block: BeaconBlock) -> Store:
assert anchor_block.state_root == hash_tree_root(anchor_state)
anchor_root = hash_tree_root(anchor_block)
anchor_epoch = get_current_epoch(anchor_state)
justified_checkpoint = Checkpoint(epoch=anchor_epoch, root=anchor_root)
finalized_checkpoint = Checkpoint(epoch=anchor_epoch, root=anchor_root)
proposer_boost_root = Root()
return Store(
time=uint64(anchor_state.genesis_time + SECONDS_PER_SLOT * anchor_state.slot),
blocks={anchor_root: copy(anchor_block)},
block_states={anchor_root: copy(anchor_state)},
checkpoint_states={justified_checkpoint: copy(anchor_state)},
Finally, the main fork-choice function is given by the following.
def get_head(store: Store) -> Root:
# Get filtered block-tree that only includes viable branches
blocks = get_filtered_block_tree(store)
# Execute the LMD-GHOST fork-choice
head = store.justified_checkpoint.root
while True:
children = [
root for root in blocks.keys()
if blocks[root].parent_root == head
if len(children) == 0:
return head
# Sort by latest attesting balance with ties broken lexicographically
# Ties broken by favoring block with lexicographically higher root
head = max(children, key=lambda root: (get_latest_attesting_balance(store, root), root))
The function `get_head` returns the head of the chain. *This follows the following procedure:*
* *Get the latest justified block hash, call it $B$ (this is implicit in `get_filtered_block_tree`)*;
* *Get the subtree of blocks rooted in $B$ (done by `get_filtered_block_tree`)*;
* *Filter that for blocks whose slot exceeds the slot of $B$*;
* *Walk down the tree, at each step where a block has multiple children selecting the child with the strongest support i.e., higher `get_latest_attesting_balance`* [https://github.com/ethereum/annotated-spec/blob/master/phase0/fork-choice.md#get_head]
Finally, as showed with FFG Casper, in Gasper validators must not make two distinct attestations $\alpha_1$ and $\alpha_2$ with $\mathscr{ep}(\mathscr{slot}(\alpha_1)))=\mathscr{ep}(\mathscr{slot}(\alpha_2)))$ and must not make two disting attestations $\alpha_1$ and $\alpha_2$ with $$\mathscr{aep}(LJ(\alpha_1)) < \mathscr{aep}(LJ(\alpha_2)) < \mathscr{aep}(LE(\alpha_2)) < \mathscr{aep}(LE(\alpha_1)).$$
def is_slashable_attestation_data(data_1: AttestationData, data_2: AttestationData) -> bool:
Check if ``data_1`` and ``data_2`` are slashable according to Casper FFG rules.
return (
# Double vote
(data_1 != data_2 and data_1.target.epoch == data_2.target.epoch) or
# Surround vote
(data_1.source.epoch < data_2.source.epoch and data_2.target.epoch < data_1.target.epoch)
If a validator violates either condition, the evidence of the violation can be observed, at which point the validator’s deposit is slashed with a reward given to the submitter of the evidence transaction.
class ProposerSlashing(Container):
signed_header_1: SignedBeaconBlockHeader
signed_header_2: SignedBeaconBlockHeader
class AttesterSlashing(Container):
attestation_1: IndexedAttestation
attestation_2: IndexedAttestation
### Properties of Gasper
In this section we present the properties that Gasper *should* satisfy as a consensus protocol, following the formalization introduced by [Neu *et al.*](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.04987.pdf)
The goal of a consensus protocol is to allow all participants to reach a common decision despite the presence of faulty ones. In our context, this translates into allowing honest validators to grow a chain that is finalized and where all blocks constitute consistent state transitions with each other. Here we assume validators being Byzantine, being potentially offline, or suffering latency problems. In other terms, this translates (informally) to the following properties.
* **Safety**: The set of finalized blocks $F(G)$ for any view $G$ can never contain two conflicting blocks.
* **Liveness**: The set of finalized blocks can actually grow.
#### Availability-Finality Dilemma
A novelty that blockchains have introduced is the notion of *dynamically available* protocols, i.e., consensus protocols that can support an unknown and variable number of participants.
One limitation of these protocols, as a result of the [CAP theorem](https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.10698), is that they are not tolerant to network partitions. In particular, when the network partitions, honest participants in a dynamically available protocol will think that many participants are asleep and keep confirming transactions, potentially leading to safety violations. A different approach is instead taken by standard permissioned BFT protocols such as PBFT or HotStuff. These are designed for partially synchronous networks, and a quorum of at least two-thirds of all the participants is required to finalize transactions, ensuring safety under network partition, but not liveness. Liveness is guaranteed only after GST. It is *impossible* for any consensus protocol to be both safe under network partition and live under dynamic participation.
In other words, *the availability-finality dilemma says that there cannot be a consensus protocol for state-machine replication, one that outputs a single chain, that provides both properties. The next best thing is then to ask for a protocol with two confirmation rules that outputs two chains, one that provides availability under dynamic participation, and one that provides finality even under network partitions, and in the long run they should agree on a common account of history.* [https://decentralizedthoughts.github.io/2020-11-01-ebb-and-flow-protocols-a-resolution-of-the-availability-finality-dilemma/]
Based on this observation, [Neu *et al.*](*https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.04987.pdf) give a formalization of the properties that Gasper, according to its design goals, should satisfy. In particular, given the time model described at the beginning of this document, they define the notion of $(\beta_1,\beta_2)$*-secure ebb-and-flow protocol* to be a protocol that outputs an available chain $𝖫𝖮𝖦_{\text{da}}$ and a finalized chain $𝖫𝖮𝖦_{\text{fin}}$ satisfying the following properties:
* **Finality**: The finalized chain $𝖫𝖮𝖦_{\text{fin}}$ is guaranteed to be accountable safe, i.e., in the event of a safety violation, one can provably identify Byzantine validators that have violated the protocol, at all times, and live after $\max\{𝖦𝖲𝖳,𝖦𝖠𝖳\}$, provided that fewer than $\beta_1$ proportion of all the nodes are adversarial.
* **Dynamic Availability**: If $𝖦𝖲𝖳=0$, i.e., if the network is synchronous, the available chain $𝖫𝖮𝖦_{\text{da}}$ is guaranteed to be safe and live at all times, provided that at all times fewer than $\beta_2$ proportion of the awake nodes are adversarial.
* **Prefix**: $𝖫𝖮𝖦_{\text{fin}}$ is a prefix of $𝖫𝖮𝖦_{\text{da}}$ at all times.
In the case of Gasper, we want $\beta_1 = 33 \%$ and $\beta_2=50 \%.$
In other words, *together, Finality and Dynamic Availability say that the finalized chain $𝖫𝖮𝖦_{\text{fin}}$ is safe under network partitions, i.e., before $\max\{𝖦𝖲𝖳,𝖦𝖠𝖳\}$, and can experience liveness violations before GST or GAT, and afterwards (after validators wake up and the network turns synchronous) catches up with the available chain $𝖫𝖮𝖦_{\text{da}}$. The Prefix property ensures that eventually all clients, no matter what confirmation rule they follow, will still agree on a single account of history.* [https://decentralizedthoughts.github.io/2020-11-01-ebb-and-flow-protocols-a-resolution-of-the-availability-finality-dilemma/]
In the context of Gasper, FFG Casper produces the finalized chain, whereas the LMD-GHOST protocol outputs the available chain. However, as we delve deeper into the [second part](https://notes.ethereum.org/dWgSae0CS0qI11XVeuypNA) of this document, we'll observe that LMD-GHOST faces challenges in handling dynamic availability. Various solutions have been suggested to mitigate these problems, and [continuous research](https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.11326) efforts are being made to refine and enhance its performance.
### Extra: Weak Subjectivity
One of the problems that proof-of-stake consensus protocols have is that they are subject to long-range attacks. In a long-range attack, an adversary corrupts past participants in the consensus protocol in order to re-write the history of the blockchain. The reason why this attack can be placed in a proof-of-stake-based system is because, in such system, the creation of a block is costless, contrary to proof-of-work-based systems where some external resource, e.g., computation, must be spent in order to create a new block.
In practice, many proof-of-stake systems deal with long-range attacks by requiring key-evolving cryptography, using more refined chain selection rules, or other techniques. In the case of Ethereum, Gasper deals with long-range attacks through *weak subjectivity checkpoints*.
To understand what a weak subjectivity checkpoint is, we first properly recall the notion of weak subjectivity, as introduced by Buterin in 2014.
A consensus protocol can be categorized according to the following paradigms.
* **Objective**: *a new node coming onto the network with no knowledge except (i) the protocol definition and (ii) the set of all blocks and other important messages that have been published can independently come to the exact same conclusion as the rest of the network on the current state.* (This is the case of proof-of-work-based blockchains, such as Bitcoin)
* **Subjective**: *the system has stable states where different nodes come to different conclusions, and a large amount of social information is required in order to participate.* (This is the case of social-network-based blockchains, such as Stellar)
For proof-of-stake, a third paradigm can be defined.
* **Weakly subjective**: *a new node coming onto the network with no knowledge except (i) the protocol definition, (ii) the set of all blocks and other important messages that have been published and (iii) a state from less than $N$ blocks ago that is known to be valid can independently come to the exact same conclusion as the rest of the network on the current state, unless there is an attacker that permanently has more than $X$ percent control over the consensus set.* [https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/11/25/proof-stake-learned-love-weak-subjectivity]
In other terms, through weak subjectivity it is possible to obtain checkpoints that acts as new genesis block, and we forbid participants from reverting more than $N$ blocks. Long-range attacks are then no longer a problem, because long-range forks are declared to be invalid as part of the protocol definition.
These checkpoints are called weak subjectivity checkpoints, and the history of the blockchain *before* them cannot be reverted, i.e., if a node receives a block conflicting with a weak subjectivity checkpoint, then it immediately rejects that block.
::: spoiler
::: info
Any `Checkpoint` object can be used as a weak subjectivity checkpoint. These are distributed by providers, downloaded by users and/or distributed as a part of clients, and used as input while syncing a client.
def get_latest_weak_subjectivity_checkpoint_epoch(state, safety_decay=0.1):
# Returns the epoch of the latest weak subjectivity checkpoint for the given
# `state` and `safety_decay`. The default `safety_decay` used should be 10% (= 0.1)
# The calculations in this document do not account for the withdrawability delay.
# We should factor that in by adding MIN_VALIDATOR_WITHDRAWABILITY_DELAY to the
# calculated subjectivity period.
val_count = len(get_active_validator_indices(state, get_current_epoch(state)))
weak_subjectivity_mod += 256 * ((safety_decay*CHURN_LIMIT_QUOTIENT/2) // 256)
weak_subjectivity_mod += 256 * ((safety_decay*val_count/(2*MIN_PER_EPOCH_CHURN_LIMIT)) // 256)
return state.finalized_checkpoint.epoch - (state.finalized_checkpoint.epoch % weak_subjectivity_mod)
Two important notions in the context of weak subjectivity are the following.
* **Weak subjectivity period**: *the number of recent epochs within which there must be a weak subjectivity checkpoint to ensure that an attacker who takes control of the validator set at the beginning of the period is slashed at least a minimum threshold in the event that a conflicting checkpoint is finalized*; and
* **Safety decay $D$**: *the loss in the 1/3rd consensus safety margin of the FFG Casper mechanism because of the changing validator set. The new safety margin that the mechanism can tolerate becomes $\frac{1}{3} - D$.* [https://notes.ethereum.org/@adiasg/weak-subjectvity-eth2]
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::: info
def compute_weak_subjectivity_period(state: BeaconState) -> uint64:
Returns the weak subjectivity period for the current ``state``.
This computation takes into account the effect of:
- validator set churn (bounded by ``get_validator_churn_limit()`` per epoch), and
- validator balance top-ups (bounded by ``MAX_DEPOSITS * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH`` per epoch).
A detailed calculation can be found at:
N = len(get_active_validator_indices(state, get_current_epoch(state)))
t = get_total_active_balance(state) // N // ETH_TO_GWEI
delta = get_validator_churn_limit(state)
if T * (200 + 3 * D) < t * (200 + 12 * D):
epochs_for_validator_set_churn = (
N * (t * (200 + 12 * D) - T * (200 + 3 * D)) // (600 * delta * (2 * t + T))
epochs_for_balance_top_ups = (
N * (200 + 3 * D) // (600 * Delta)
ws_period += max(epochs_for_validator_set_churn, epochs_for_balance_top_ups)
ws_period += (
3 * N * D * t // (200 * Delta * (T - t))
return ws_period
def is_within_weak_subjectivity_period(store: Store, ws_state: BeaconState, ws_checkpoint: Checkpoint) -> bool:
# Clients may choose to validate the input state against the input Weak Subjectivity Checkpoint
assert ws_state.latest_block_header.state_root == ws_checkpoint.root
assert compute_epoch_at_slot(ws_state.slot) == ws_checkpoint.epoch
ws_period = compute_weak_subjectivity_period(ws_state)
ws_state_epoch = compute_epoch_at_slot(ws_state.slot)
current_epoch = compute_epoch_at_slot(get_current_slot(store))
return current_epoch <= ws_state_epoch + ws_period
Calculating the weak subjective period, as reported by [Aditya Asgaonkar](https://notes.ethereum.org/@adiasg/weak-subjectvity-eth2), results in the following table.

For example, assuming a validator set of at least $262144$ validators and a safety decay of $10\%$, the maximum safe weak subjectivity period is of $3277$ epoch, i.e., around two weeks. In other terms, within two weeks a weak subjectivity checkpoint must be defined.
*So what would a world powered by weakly subjective consensus look like? First of all, nodes that are always online would be fine; in those cases weak subjectivity is by definition equivalent to objectivity. Nodes that pop online once in a while, or at least once every $N$ blocks, would also be fine, because they would be able to constantly get an updated state of the network. However, new nodes joining the network, and nodes that appear online after a very long time, would not have the consensus algorithm reliably protecting them. Fortunately, for them, the solution is simple: the first time they sign up, and every time they stay offline for a very very long time, they need only get a recent block hash from a friend, a blockchain explorer, or simply their software provider, and paste it into their blockchain client as a checkpoint. They will then be able to securely update their view of the current state from there.* [https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/11/25/proof-stake-learned-love-weak-subjectivity]