# L1 R&D session: Proposer-Builder Separation **[*Required*] Summary:** *We will provide an update on the state of the research on Proposer-Builder Separation (PBS). The session will be divided between high-level design space discussions as well as specifics of EIP-7732.* **[*Required*] Facilitator:** *Terence and Mike.* **[*Required*] Note Taker:** *Terence and Mike.* **[*Required*] Pre-Reads:** - [EIP-7732](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-7732) - [Why Enshrine PBS](https://ethresear.ch/t/why-enshrine-proposer-builder-separation-a-viable-path-to-epbs/15710) - [Relays in a post-ePBS world](https://ethresear.ch/t/relays-in-a-post-epbs-world/16278) - [PTC](https://ethresear.ch/t/payload-timeliness-committee-ptc-an-epbs-design/16054) **[*Optional*] Slides:** - [Terence's Slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1XUTsw98hprHSNnpzCkRUgSU9nuQiq5wkpHGon3Nw7wU/edit#slide=id.g31207e378c5_2_86) - [Mike's Slides](https://github.com/michaelneuder/talks/blob/main/devcon2024/l1rand.pdf) ## Agenda - **15 min high-level intro:** Mike - **15 min EIP discussion:** Terence - **45 min open session.** - **15 min wrap up.** ## Notes & Action Items *Breakout sessions will **not** be recorded.* *Good notes will help everyone who could not be in the room get up to speed on what happened. Unless instructed otherwise by a participant, please default to using [Chatham House Rules](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chatham_House_Rule#the_rule).* *This will make the process easier, but in cases where there is value in specifying a specific individual (e.g. they are championing a proposal, taking on an action item, etc.), you can mention them. Similarly, nothing should be "off the record", but if someone is uncomfortable with a statement being part of the notes, please respect this.* *As a calibration point, see the [ACD recaps](https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/all-core-devs-execution-acde-198-october-10-2024/21314/2?u=timbeiko)*