# EIP-7251: pros & cons
[**related documents**](https://gist.github.com/michaelneuder/cafabcfcfcccc45e44ab9d6b1c7b4e1d)
### Pros
1. ***Improved solo staking experience.***
- Auto compounding for everyone.
- Variable stake balance (e.g., 40 `ETH` validator).
3. ***Initial reduction in validator set.***
- We can expect *some* consolidation. E.g., $900,000 \rightarrow 700,000$.
5. ***Future compatibility.***
- The change is unopinionated and compatible with a future where we incent consolidation.
### Cons
1. ***No guaranteed or incentivized consolidation.***
- The "worst case" outcome is no consolidation – the validator set remains unchanged.
- Beyond the reduction in operating costs (from running fewer nodes), there is no direct incentive to consolidate.
2. ***Engineering effort.***
- The EIP consumes some Petra development bandwidth.