# Verkle Open Questions 1. **✅ ~~Selfdestruct~~** - Current plan: EIP-6780 is CFI’d for [Cancun](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-6780) - See [impact audit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HDbym5YOoYj63xswMAwvt5Psh4JaI0biY06b6ZvYV2s/edit) completed by Dedaub 1. **Migration method** - Current top candidate: Overlay Method (see Pari’s [writeup](https://notes.ethereum.org/@parithosh/verkle-transition#%E2%80%9COverlay%E2%80%9D-live-conversion-method)) - Guillaume has a working proof-of-concept 🎉 - [Implementation questions](https://notes.ethereum.org/bdfbEEf6QcypV0Cv8dlqBw?view) - TBD: performance with more recent blocks 1. **Preimage distribution** - [EIP opened](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/6873) to enable preimage recording starting prior to the verge - But still need a way to distribute historical preimages - Strong preference: distribute them over the p2p network - Other options: can use a system of CDNs similar to checkpoint sync, or use snap sync? (Perhaps less important where users actually get the preimage from, as long as it’s easy to verify) 1. **Verkle snap sync** - Tanishq has a working proof-of-concept - Next step: implement stateless version so it can be tested on Kaustinen. - Tanishq to share a summary of the way Verkle Sync works currently, and list of known problems. 3. **Witness size estimates / block size estimates post-Verkle** 1. **Block processing times (Verkle vs MPT)** - Performance of replaying blocks compared to MPT - Last benchmark: ~40% overhead - TBD: performance with more recent blocks 1. **Gas schedule changes** 1. **Other areas in need of discussion, test coverage, etc:** - Reorgs, JSON-RPC, mainnet-like blocks, mainnet shadow fork