title: Ethereum 2.0 Devs Handbook and FAQs
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tags: FAQ, eth2, Serenity
description: check the (hopefully) latest information of Ethereum 2.0 resource
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#  Ethereum 2.0 Devs Handbook and FAQs
> tags: `FAQ` `eth2` `Serenity`
## What is it?
* It's a collaborative doc for training Ethereum 2.0 developers immediately.
* It's a collection of collections; the same resource may overlap in different links. Although we would try to sort by difficulty levels.
## Headline
* 2020 Jan 24th: [Spec v0.10.1 release](https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/releases/tag/v0.10.1)! Also the spec comprehensive resources have been updated to v0.10.x.
## Learning Ethereum 2.0
### πΆπ» Level 1: Introduction for newbies
* **[2018 Nov @Devcon4]** ποΈ [@vbuterin: Ethereum 2.0 - the road to scaling Ethereum](https://slideslive.com/38911602/latest-of-ethereum)
* An overview of the history and future roadmap.
* **[2019 Oct @Devcon5]** ποΈ [@djrtwo - eth2.0; tldr video](https://slideslive.com/38919931/eth-20-tldr) and [slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_C_79ilyX0BsyMnSY84M3DoItPU9hBNxnvUEWOOLN7k/edit#slide=id.p1)
* The latest high-level introduction of Ethereum 2.0 phases.
* **`Update irregularly`** [ethereum.org collection](https://ethereum.org/learn/#eth-2-0)
* Useful links to more learning resources.
* **[2020 February]** [Beacon Chain Ethereum 2.0 explainer](https://ethos.dev/beacon-chain/) by ethos.dev
* [ConsenSys Knowledge Base - Ethereum 2.0](https://consensys.net/knowledge-base/ethereum-2/)
### π€ Level 2: If you want to fully understand the core protocols
* π **`Update irregularly`** [Ethereum 2.0 Specifications](https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs)
* Core spec comprehensive reading
* **`Update irregularly`** [@vbuterin: Serenity Design Rationale](https://notes.ethereum.org/@vbuterin/rkhCgQteN) - v0.10.0
* **`Update irregularly`** [@protolambda: Phase 0 Specs Diagrams](https://github.com/protolambda/eth2-docs) - v0.10.0
* **`Update irregularly`** [@djrtwo: Phase 0 for Humans](https://notes.ethereum.org/@djrtwo/Bkn3zpwxB) - v0.10.0
* **[2019 Oct @Devcon5, spec v8]** Phase 0 deepdive [slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MZ-E6TVwomt4rqz-P2Bd_X3DFUW9fWDQkxUP_QJhkyw/edit?pli=1#slide=id.g621e1673fb_21_195) and [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5DdClfLQfw)
* [Casper FFG explainer](https://www.adiasg.me/2020/03/31/casper-ffg-explainer.html) and [Casper FFG in Eth2.0](https://www.adiasg.me/2020/04/09/casper-ffg-in-eth2-0.html) by @adiasg
### π§ Level 3: Deeper reading materials
#### Forums
* π‘Ethereum Research discourse ethresear.ch - [sharding](https://ethresear.ch/c/sharding) and [Casper](https://ethresear.ch/c/casper) topics.
#### Sharding, scalalibility
* **`Update irregularly`** [Sharding FAQ](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Sharding-FAQ)
* What is blockchain sharding? The different tradeoffs of different cross-shard communication approaches?
* **`Update irregularly`** [Ethereum Sharding Research Compendium](https://notes.ethereum.org/@serenity/H1PGqDhpm?type=view)
* Vitalik's collection notes. Also including some proof-of-stake related resources.
* **`Update irregularly`** [@vbuterin: Eth2 sharding mindmap](https://www.mindomo.com/zh/mindmap/eth2-sharding-4408ec348bee4501aa125c3e3cd251d3)
* **[2018 July @IC3-Ethereum Crypto Boot Camp]** ποΈ @vbuterin: Sharding: Making blockchains scalable, decentralized and secure - [video](https://vod.video.cornell.edu/media/Sharding+-+Vitalik+Buterin/1_1xezsfb4/97851101) and [slides](https://vitalik.ca/files/Ithaca201807_Sharding.pdf)
#### Proof-of-Stake, Casper
* **`Update irregularly`** [Proof of Stake FAQ
* **`Paper`** [Casper the Friendly Finality Gadget](https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.09437)
## What's happening?
* π [ETH2.0 Implementers Bi-weekly Calls](https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-pm/)
* π [eth2.info](https://eth2.info) - by Ben Edgington (PegaSys, ConsenSys)
* Regular publications
* π¦ [Ethereum Foundation blog - eth2 quick update](https://blog.ethereum.org/category/research-and-development/)
* π£ [Week in Ethereum News](http://www.weekinethereum.com/) - by Evan Van Ness
* π [What's New in Eth2?](http://eth2.news) - by Ben Edgington (PegaSys, ConsenSys)
* Client teams updates
* π [Prysmatic Labs Biweekly Development Update](https://medium.com/prysmatic-labs)
* βοΈ [Nimbus Update](https://our.status.im/tag/nimbus/)
* π [Lighthouse Update](https://lighthouse.sigmaprime.io/)
## Research topics
### Randomness
* ποΈ [@justindrake: Ethereum 2.0 randomness - using a VDF- 2018 Nov @Devcon4](https://slideslive.com/38911623/ethereum-20-randomness)
* [Verifiable Delay Functions (VDF) Research Effort](http://vdfresearch.org/)
### Phase 2: state execution
* **`Update irregularly`** [ETH 2 Phase 2 WIKI](https://hackmd.io/@villanuevawill/H1hgfATkB)
* Execution Environments (EEs), Fee markets
* **[2019 Oct, Devcon 5]** [@villanuevawill: Phase 2 Dev Experience
### Economics
* [EIP-1559: Fee market](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-1559.md)
* [@econoar: Fixing the Ethereum Fee Market (EIP-1559)](https://medium.com/@eric.conner/fixing-the-ethereum-fee-market-eip-1559-9109f1c1814b)
## Bounties
* [Ethereum Foundation - Ethereum Bounties](https://challenges.ethereum.org/): RSA, Legendre PRF, MiMC Hash, VDFs, Ethereum infrastructure, Eth2 Phase 0 ... and more are coming!
## Events outputs
* [Sharding/Eth2.0/Serenity workshops collection](https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-pm/blob/master/meetups/collection.md)
#  FAQs
> Part of the previous [EF Research AMAs](https://docs.ethhub.io/other/ethereum-2.0-ama/) may be outdated.
## Roadmaps, plans
### What's the Ethereum 2.0 roadmap?
> Latest update: 2020, March 20th
* See [@djrtwo - eth2.0; tldr video](https://slideslive.com/38919931/eth-20-tldr) and [slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_C_79ilyX0BsyMnSY84M3DoItPU9hBNxnvUEWOOLN7k/edit#slide=id.p1).
* [Vitalik's approximate view of what the next ~5-10 years of eth2 and beyond might look like](https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1240365047421054976) (2020, March 19th)
### How and when to merge eth1 chain into eth2?
> Latest update: 2020, Jan 25th
Two possible routes
1. [Converting eth1 EVM and history as one of the eth2 Phase 2 Execution Environments (EEs)](https://ethresear.ch/t/the-eth1-eth2-transition/6265). It will minimize the migration requirements for DApps. Before Phase 2 system is ready, the current PoW eth1 chain and PoS eth2 chain will both exist for a while.
2. [Alternatively](https://ethresear.ch/t/alternative-proposal-for-early-eth1-eth2-merge/6666), with Eth1 stateless client software (Eth 1.x WIP), we can make the state of shard 0 houses the state root of the eth1 system. The registered Eth1-friendly validators, may be randomly selected as shard 0 block proposer, would have to maintain Eth1 nodes.
#### Reference
* [Posssible eth1 -> eth2 transition technical proposal on ethresear.ch](https://ethresear.ch/t/the-eth1-eth2-transition/6265)
* [Alternative proposal for early eth1 <-> eth2 merge](https://ethresear.ch/t/alternative-proposal-for-early-eth1-eth2-merge/6666)
## Phase 0 beacon chain
### What I need to do to be a beacon chain validator?
> Latest update: 2019, Oct 24th, need to update the numbers of bandwidth requirements from the spec v0.9 patch.
1. In the current proposal, the minimum deposit is 32 ethers.
2. A normal computer.
3. Stable network environment.
### When will Phase 0 beacon chain be launched?
> Latest update: 2019, Oct 24th
Before launching beacon chain, we have serveral tasks in parrallel:
1. The BLS standardization: see [Deposit Contract section from the quick updates](https://blog.ethereum.org/2019/10/23/eth2-quick-update/)
2. The audit:
1. Beacon chain protocol
2. Deposit contract (almost done by Runtime Verification team)
3. Client software
3. Fuzzing tests
3. The stable multi-client beacon chain testnet: it's expected that the long-term testnet will be launch in November.
The launching progress is depending on how does the stable multi-client beacon chain testnet works. The testnet will provide valueable data for us to optimize both the efficiency and user experience.
### How's the liquidity in phase 0 and phase 1?
> Latest update: 2019, Oct 24th
Phase 0 (beacon chain) is launching without transfer functionality. The transfer functionality is planned be added in phase 1 or 2.
## Phase 1 data chain
### What is data availability? Why is it important?
See [ data availability notes](https://github.com/ethereum/research/wiki/A-note-on-data-availability-and-erasure-coding#what-is-the-data-availability-problem).
### What is proof of custody?
See [Serenity Design Rationale - The proof of custody game](https://notes.ethereum.org/@vbuterin/rkhCgQteN?type=view#The-proof-of-custody-game)
## Phase 2 state execution
### What are all the cross-shard transations mechanisms?
See [Phase 2 WIKI - Cross Shard Transactions](https://hackmd.io/UzysWse1Th240HELswKqVA#Cross-Shard-Transactions).
## Misc
### Why not EIP-1011 (Casper FFG Contract)?
* [@djrtwo - signatures, competing games, and tx parallelization](https://notes.ethereum.org/s/rJDrKoBOQ)
* [@djrtwo - Casper β₯ Sharding (June 2018)](https://medium.com/@djrtwo/casper-%EF%B8%8F-sharding-28a90077f121)
### How to become an Ethereum 2.0 developer?
1. Look around the [client teams repositories](https://docs.ethhub.io/ethereum-roadmap/ethereum-2.0/eth2.0-teams/teams-building-eth2.0/), find an issue, and solve it!
* Even finding typos would be appreciated! :)
* If you have your language preference, there are Go, Java, JavaScript, Nim, Python, Rust... languages!
* Some of the teams are still hiring, don't be afraid to ask.
2. Get familar with [specs](https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs). See if you can [find a bug and get 5 ETH](https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/issues/1345).
## Still have question?
* Welcome to the [discord](https://discord.gg/hpFs23p) or [bridged gitter channel](https://gitter.im/ethereum/sharding)! π
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